
Me too, but I'm not judging her. I also wasn't molested and kicked out of my uber Christian home.

Let’s not forget Don got with Caril when she was 20 and he 42. Everyone acting like she was this homewreckong femme fatal. He picked her up on the side of the road. I'm not thinking he was a good guy. I feel for his kids, bit not so much him.

WHY are people making me defend her?! Look, she’s terrible. But she didn’t kill her husband. I don’t know how that was anyone’s takeaway? This is a man who made millions . . . somehow? We never learn how he made his money, I’m guessing he was up to some really shady shit. He brags that he’s about to pull off “the

Shouldn’t we mention The Guardian’s newest cinema columnist (one Harry Windsor!)? 

You know that her “look” is her “look” because she was so traumatized by adult men sexualizing her teenage body that she took to wearing oversized clothes and other ways of covering up/ not showing her real body to protect herself, right?

“People are so quick to find the negative in everything and also often forget that she is of Armenian descent.”

Look, I understand your concerns. Given the fact that Trump won the electoral college in the first place was so against conventional wisdom; that it’s understandable to expect the worst.

Richard Nixon was a bastard, but he was also a smart guy. He understood that by resigning before congress would impeach him, he could set himself up for a pardon (which is exactly how events transpired).

So the last vulture capitalists killed the company to reap millions for themselves and the new vulture capitalists are going to be using children to sell marketing data to firms.

If there’s any group of lowlife degenerates that can make communism start to sound good, it’s vulture capitalists.

Did you ever see the Friday Night Lights skit? The premise was the new coach (Josh Charles) told the team they can’t rape anymore, and the team and town go nuts.

This is a sequel. Her mom died at the beginning of the first movie.

You've never had a dog, or a pet? Or did you get up this morning an decide to be an arsehole? Ffs!

Thanks for the interesting piece. My wife passed away at 59 in July after a 2 yr battle with metastatic cancer. I have always enjoyed cooking but have functionally stopped because there’s no pleasure yet. I hope to resume when I’m up for entertaining again, but until then the fridge, shopping and cooking will remain a

What’s the point? People can get sports coverage anywhere. They went to Deadspin for the attitude and atmosphere. They took away the flair, and the only people who will work there going forward are people who used to put together slide shows for Bleacher Report.

I enjoyed that book a lot, too. I hadn’t lost anyone, was just living alone, but I appreciated how old-fashioned and practical it was.

I lost my husband eight months ago, after a 15 month battle with pancreatic cancer. Now, the last thing I want to think about is cooking. However, since I have a 12 year old, I have to feed her. So not only do I have to do something I have no desire to do (half of the time I have little to no appetite) but it is also

Then you’d be forced, as a supposed creative, to make different choices about how to make your show feel “slick”. Or to give up on that angle for another one that matches your budget.

The Pleasures of Cooking for One by Judith Jones is a lovely cookbook that helped me deal with cooking for myself after a loss that involved myself in the joy of food and not just the motions of mealtime. It took a long time to reclaim spaces that were shared with the person I lost, like restaurants and favorite bars,

It has been a struggle to learn to cook for one.  Making a pot of spaghetti now means I’ll be eating spaghetti for approximately 7-8 days.  Having no one to share my day with, or check in with was hard enough to adjust to, but cooking for just me is going to be a very long process.

He is the swamp.