
Wife: How was the episode?

I’m familiar with the concept of setting, Professor, as Aristophanes’ Lysistrata (you do not need the definite article in front of it, and feel free to discover italics) is a f-i-c-t-i-t-i-o-u-s work (duh) in spite of its historical backdrop, sugar-sweetheart. (Despite the long and brutal nature of that particular

I’m surprised they cast Kristen Scott Thomas to play Mrs Danvers in 2019. Hell, Hitchcock (perfectly) cast lesbian Judith Anderson in 1940! And Jezebel endorses casting a straight actress in one of the most iconic lesbian roles of all time - in 2019?

I call Shenanigans on this! Door Dash has operations going pretty much 24/7 across the entire USA & Canada including Hawaii Not to mention they are currently in operational tests in Australia. If they don’t already have a operational 24/7 war room to deal with their fly by night contractors (Dasher dashes right into a

No. They should have customer service reps available during their peak business hours, which I assume based on their entire business model (food delivery) extend far past 5pm. If there are enough high visibility or urgent topics that require cross-team assistance, they should plan shifts and coverage accordingly.

It’s true, nobody’s ever smashed in a window before.

This is an old video, but hearing your news just made it 100% relevant.

All of this gossip news is meaningless! Lupita Nyong’o and Janelle Monae are dating! Did you hear me? I said, LUPITA AND JANELLE ARE A COUPLE! ALL HAIL JAPITA!

Brian May also saved a litter of fox cubs. You should check out his Instagram for all the animals he helps. While he’ll never reach the heights of recognition as Freddie Mercury, he is hands down one of the greatest rock guitarists that has ever played. Plus he has a PHD in Astrophysics. He literally does it all.

Because of who he is, and how he is, I always read his thanks to first responders (who deserve gratitude, of course) as part of his pandering to Law Enforcement and to the military.

“We’re nobody’s third love,” he said. “We’re their first love. And Victoria’s Secret has been women’s first love from the beginning.”

OF COURSE Olivia Jade would have a Guthy-Renker direct mail infomercial scion as a boyfriend. OF COURSE. Grifters gonna grift. 

Did Amy Schumer really name her baby Genital Fissure for real?

Everyone thinks Zendaya copied Claire Danes’ Met Gala look. I was so surprised when she turned up wearing that, and it’s a rare misstep from her stylist. I honestly don’t know how that decision was made. Either those involved weren’t aware of Claire Danes’ look, which seems unlikely when every random schmuck like

I agree with you but also appreciated the effort she made, most celebs acted like the theme was Glam and not Camp.

I’m so glad she told that cop she was scared of him. I feel like there’s some kind of unspoken stereotype of black folk not feeling emotions like “fear” or “sadness” or “ennui” or “existential terror”. We only get “animalistic anger” or “child-like jolliness”. And we all know what the cops zero in on and expect to

The reason Fromme didn’t get as much screen time as you might think probably has to do with her presenting the manson cult as very much an ongoing thing - She’s still in love with him and still presents the members as being independent -what she’s saying could easily spark something in someone who identifies with her

I long believed that if you can’t have compassion and sympathy for someone who makes a mistake you should fuck off.

Good call. The 700+ kids who drowned in the US last year deserved to die for being stupid and have improved the gene pool with their deaths. You should congratulate their parents for their contributions to the future of humanity.

All of the presented examples are you think children deserve the Darwin Award or that their parents deserve to lose their child to drowning? Be better.

I spent high school and college working as a lifeguard and had to go in after multiple people — including adults — but most were children who had drifted