
So....leave Britney alone is what you’re saying?

The hashtag is gross but criticism about the conservatorship is entirely warranted. Conservatorships are not for severely mentally ill, suicidal people or people with severe drug addiction, they’re for people who literally cannot care for themselves whatsoever on an adult level: elderly people with dementia, people in

I don't have any advice for finding implant-removal doctors, but if the first doctor had any idea that you were being pressured into getting implants and did them anyway, I would avoid him even if he is technically skilled. 

She will pay a fine. She will do community service. I seriously doubt she’ll do any prison time. If she serves in at all it will be like the multiple times Lindsay Lohan went to jail. Lohan was assigned a private cell in a special needs section of a local jail in a wealthy area of LA county. She was allowed to “check

I admit it is a low low low bar these days but this was a hella refreshing ACTUAL apology. 

You’ll see yourself out.


I do enjoy how Harry and Meghan are ramping up their social media presence at the same time Harry seems to be taking the practically Luddite stance of his plant-talking father when it comes to tech, recently making comments that online games and social media, which he’s called more addictive than drugs and alcohol,

His lyrics are so wholesome though, how could anyone have seen this coming?

Funny, you never see the families of murder victims going "oh, he didn't know it was ok? As long as he never does it again, we won't press charges." 

Amazon’s ongoing issue with their sellers passing cheap fakes as genuine branded goods is major and unaddressed. I got a cheaply made ripoff instead of the branded knife I ordered, and other stories are everywhere. Also everywhere are stories about how Amazon did not respond to complaints about this and did nothing

Now, Williams is making the same as the boys. Though it’s not clear which project she referenced at the rally, last summer it was reportedshe’d be paid the same as her male co-stars for her role in FX’s upcoming Bob Fosse series, Fosse/Verdon.

The house has to be made up for video. It’s weirdly sterile. Like there’s glitter and bright colors everywhere but it’s just placed on top of boring, stock McMansionia. The walls aren’t even painted an interesting color. Underneath the sparkle everything is white and grey. It’s like a demented staging company is going

All I could think was this room is just for show. There has to be another room a 15 year old would prefer. One where she actually sleeps and does her homework. How could you bring unpaid friends into a room like that?

It reminds me of the Snoopy voice actor. He’s been dead a long time, but no one has ever made the Snoopy sounds other than this guy. Even in the CG peanuts movie. They have so much recorded from him that they reuse the audio. That works for me.

There is an LGBT genocide going on in Chechnya as well, and has been for a couple of years now.

It’s been 5 years and Dorchester Collection hasn’t been willing to sell. (There was never a chance that the city would buy it; the idea was to find a private buyer).

Now playing

This happened in 2014, particularly at the Beverly Hills Hotel and the Hotel Bel Air (because they are iconic venues for high profile Hollywood. The extra hypocrisy was that these hotels offered package deals marketed to the LGBT market.

Here comes another round of boycotts at Brunei-owned properties, particularly the most high profile one...