
I was 40 miles away, in Manchester, filming Jo’s friend and former Labour party leader Gordon Brown this morning. Honestly, I’m pretty shaken up that she was so brazenly targeted.

Amy Hempel is my favourite so this is hitting extra hard today; I always return to that short when I need a good cry. Just such a senseless, horrifying act of violence against people trying to have a good time, peacefully, hurting no-one. There are no words.

I realise this is a controversial opinion but I feel a bit sorry for Hughes, I feel like the guy must have some serious PTSD to be spewing this bullshit. He seemed incredibly shaken up in the Vice documentary - though the fact he was already a gun toting republican isn't a good sign. Sad all round. Glad that El Iraki

Maybe this is an American thing. I’ve never seen a top sheet in a British bedroom that wasn’t a hotel.

It’s in no way unusual to charge for any kind of proof-reading or fact checking service, especially one that a person is so qualified to assist in. What’s your point?

Definitely New Years Eve - two Oscar winning ladies and the IMDb says a part was offered to Reese, who turned it down.

Thank you! Very confusing suddenly hearing 7/7 happened because of the Irish!

Hello, English person here! I’m not sure I understand your point about parallels - what do the Irish have to do with our trains being bombed? Ever heard of 7/7? Our trains/buses were also bombed by very similar terrorists to yours, so you better believe we’ve experienced the shame of getting off a stop early because a

I love Father Ted. There’s an amazing bit of graffiti at the moment in Bethnal Green

People in small towns make their own rules ;)

Worked in a cinema as a teen. Had a guy call up and threaten me because apparently I treated his wife and kids like I was “the Gestapo” because I didn’t let his kids sit on the floor blocking the aisle (because that is a fire hazard among other things). Dude later actually murdered someone, so perhaps I had a lucky

Apologies for piling on when everyone else has, but as a former cinema worker myself I’ll just reiterate it’s not looked on kindly to leave trash behind after the movie. The same people who work in the ticket/concessions kiosk are generally the same ones cleaning the theatres between screenings and in busy seasons it

I film private events throughout the UAE. The custom outfits I have seen in my day to day work are eye-wateringly amazing/expensive/completely beyond my reach (but thankfully also beyond my tastes!)

Ah but Felix can be a lady name too. At least it is here in the UK.

This depends on where you are - I had my local American food store in Holland Park specifically order it in that's how much I like it, and they now stock it all year round it was so popular with the expats. You can also get it from Cyber Candy in covent garden... I even found some in one of those 'ye olde sweet

I disagree that these cameras are toys but you're close to spot-on about the intended user. You need to add 'indie filmmakers' to that list though (believe me, I am one). I would love to get my hands on a D4 for videography purposes. Headphone jack so I can actually monitor audio? An end to bad aliasing and rolling

Hey Sinan, in the future you can mark your post #corrections to help us spot it, or contact the writer directly if possible. Thanks for pointing out though!

I think this is an incredibly important observation. Facebook isn't necessarily the problem here - this phenomenon seems symptomatic of the competitive nature of human beings in general. Social networks just allow that competitive streak to kick into overdrive.

It's possible he got caught mid-tweet/angry birds session and quickly opened the camera app to assuage guilt. Can't blame the guy for having his own entertainment - some weddings do drag.

It's possible he got caught mid-tweet/angry birds session and quickly opened the camera app to assuage guilt. Can't blame the guy for having his own entertainment - some weddings do drag.