
I pretty much agree with this whole review. I'm a filmmaker and camera op who does a little editing when needed and I don't hate FCPX. I just wouldn't use it for most professional applications (yet). After I first installed it my initial reaction was that it's going to be awesome for home movies and low-budget stuff

I find this a bit confusing though - surely a new FCP would have been 8? My version is 7.0.3. The 'ex' just seems to lend it a further aspect of differentiation to me, in the way that just sticking 10 on there doesn't.

Ugh, agreed. I wanted so much to like FCPX (and in fact, I guess I do *like* it) but instead I find the idea of using it for professional work a complete joke. It's a great consumer product, and I can imagine it producing some excellent home videos, but it's not going to be replacing my FCP7 any time soon.

Did for me, in Chrome.

I used to work in Bodmin so I feel your pain! I'm just shocked to see little old Cornwall on Gizmodo. The folks back home will be proud!

Snagfilms started online, so if you mean PC as in desktop based just visit their website, [] I'm a huge documentary buff so this one is right at the top of my bookmarks.

The first item mentioned states "after taking the requisite Claritin/Zyrtec pill." As an allergy sufferer (I know, yawn!) I guess antihistamines are a given?

Your comment confuses me. What point are you making?

Sort of a generalisation there. Large parts of India have the kind of toilets we're used to in your average Western home. Unfortunately it's the crippling poverty in other parts of the country that have lead to a lack of advanced plumbing nationwide. That is, however, the logic behind the traditional Indian custom of

@Ron Hextall's Mustache: Actually one day a year, Summer Solstice I believe, they let people have free reign. You can sit right on top of the stones if you wish.

sarcastic and snarky? I'm really not seeing what you're seeing here.

@yermah1986: I think you're missing the point; I assume the commenter means that those who worked in close proximity with those early and very dangerous machines were heroic in that they gave up years of life expectancy for the medical advancement of humanity. Heroines/pioneers such as Rosalind Franklin. Of course, I

@Pedro Henrique Darius: Hey Pedro, tech is aware of this issue and is working to resolve it. Thanks for hanging in there in the mean time.

Hey there, can you email in to either regarding this or Thank you!

Not a new strategy - Gizmodo has always posted links to interesting topics as a way to engage the community and get your feedback here on site. It may be that we still need to iron out the way that content is presented however, so please hang tight. Any questions you might have please feel free to contact me via

@Br1zon: She's already pregnant with his child... I don't think it's creeper territory to mention that.

@tfl1: To some extent I agree - it's been sitting un-updated in my list of apps for a long long time. However, it's a dollar, and it is a pretty neat trick. At least they gave us the option of updating and losing that function or not.

@joesmom: I don't think people are calling for a ban in this case - just expressing disbelief at this tragic waste of young life.

@capitalsown: Your point is incredibly misguided and I would really urge you to rethink it. The rape you're talking about happened to a child. I agree that consensual sex between adults shouldn't be taboo but child molestation should never be justified, under any pretention.