
@PK: I think the point is that living with it and trying to deal with it for as long as he did was incredibly brave, regardless of your feelings about his decision to take his life.

@PopSmith: why would he have taken anyone with him? I don't understand the logic of your comment having read Bill's statement.

@ieatrocks: I think that while you're entitled to your own feelings about suicide, reducing his words to 'tripe' is incredibly inappropriate.

@ttech10: It looks like we're still having some issues getting everything back to normal. Hold tight, this feature will work again soon.

@ttech10: Hey there, our guide to tag pages should help you out:

@marc337: I think it's good to see the games still being developed, and if they're popular than all respect to the developer that can still make money from an older game. I'd like to see more stuff included as a free update, however.

I used to live above a McDonalds with Cloud access (not sure if that's UK specific but certain businesses use it to give free access to customers for a limited time). While I was waiting to have a phone line installed I loved leaching off the McDonalds internet - for some reason they allow you 24 hours for each

@7:07: We are working on restoring administrative controls like these to profiles, hold tight.

Bravo science, this is amazing.

Not sure I'd ride it but I'd certainly strap a camera to it and see what we came up with

@Kent: Exactly my thoughts. Which is probably for the best, as I pretty much always misplace mine.

@jstevens74: This comment, minus the appropriate kudos to 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' could easily be mistaken as offensive/discriminatory. You might want to bear that in mind next time you post without attributing proper credit.

@mike.ogden: The point is more that it does so much more than just cook rice. Honestly, Ebert's is a great post - check it out []

@llandrew: This was a top three so maybe a couple of those got edged out but thanks for your recommendations - I'm hooked on Epicurious but I do enjoy MasterChef.

@dplums: @yearofthe guys, please review our comment guidelines. Whining about content clutters the comment thread and is a waste of an opportunity for discussion. []