
@-Pirate: The bowflex is a piece of exercise related technology, this article indeed has a place on Gizmodo. As for the nature of some of the comments - we do indeed expect better from our commenters, that's why we have guidelines and a comment moderation system in place. Please review: []

@Augureone: In your defence perhaps the phrase 'death wish' might have been better employed by myself on this occasion. We still expect better from our commenters than any sentiments wishing harm on our community members.

@Augureone: Can you please try to refrain from death threats? We consider that sort of talk a banable offense. Just a friendly heads up this time []

@hawkeye18: as this was one of the first things we learned in the audio portion of our film degree, I always wonder this when I'm browsing the headphone section of any electronics store. I can only assume the numbers are there to confound the average consumer into purchasing - though I'd like to think before shelling

@hawkeye18: as this was one of the first things we learned in the audio portion of our film degree, I always wonder this when I'm browsing the headphone section of any electronics store. I can only assume the numbers are there to confound the average consumer into purchasing - though I'd like to think before shelling

@JS_Drupal: Firstly, don't feed the trolls, and second please refrain from personal attacks such as 'iTard'. They are unwelcome on site and we expect better from our starred community members. []

@erikgrad: @dLo: these sort of comments are pretty inappropriate and definitely off topic. Please refrain.

@Bam Margera: Fair point, accepted. But bear in mind that kind of sentence is bound to be taken the wrong way.

@KevlarSTi: Attempting to bait the community like this is trollish, pure and simple. Please refrain. []

@calcium72: I believe they're region specific - hence the two Yahoos! - not everybody will be accessing the same version of the site across the globe.

@Bam Margera: Please see my response to Mattius. We like commenters to be nice to eachother, thanks.

@mattius: "We like to see good spelling and grammar, because we're nerdy like that. Capitalization and punctuation are important, too. These basic requirements go a long way towards making us all look better"

@jestamcmerv: No problem, meant in good faith :)

@deanooo: from the original article "In Agbogbloshie, a slum in Accra, the 
capital of Ghana".

@jestamcmerv: "Those trite and tacky expressions, phrases, memes, and similar ones aren't as funny as you might think they are. They also put you at risk of a banning—especially if your comment doesn't consist of anything else" []