
@komododave: I'd suggest it is, and a tiresome one at that.

@Hintzyboy: You'd be surprised how often this happens to people with long hair. Much worse though is the curse of the hair-dryer - putting your head that close to a tiny rotating fan is just asking for trouble.

@konfused: @inverts: Guys, please, a little off topic.

@coodgenducta: I'm all for good debate, but some of your insults here are pretty personal and unwarranted. Personal attacks are not welcomed on site; I'd be grateful if you would tone it down and refresh your memory of the rules.

@Banana.Stickers: Can you please stay on topic and relevant to the article, as opposed to posting these kinds of remarks about the author?

@SJRNWT: Can you please try to stay on topic and refrain from personally attacking the author over the content?

@Buzz Mega: This sort of comment is borderline trollish, please stop.

@KinoEscalate: Those policies are in place to ensure the site is enjoyable for everyone, commenters and journalists alike. And no, you cannot say 'mean, spiteful, shitty' things without repercussions. We are working to build a better community for everyone, and that takes time and commitment.

@KinoEscalate: Just a quick reminder of the comments policy; "refrain from hitting on writers and editors... The line between flattering, creepy, and downright scary is often far too thin."

@Eric Mackay: Would you mind staying away from this sort of direct attack? Those three comments in a row, as Zanzan42 pointed out, do sound awfully trollish.

@Jose_J_Herrera: That was a pretty uncalled for shot. Comments like that don't add anything to the discussion at all, and there's no need to be discourteous. I might respectfully suggest you review Lifehacker's excellent guide to commenting here: []