
@wætherman: thanks for the clarification. As you can see from Zophiel's comment, your original point might have been lost in translation.

@ukexpat: Speaking as an ex-Three customer, that made me smile. I used to be with Three for mobile broadband; the coverage was fairly poor but the data pricing was extortionate - not a pleasant experience at all. Down right filthy, in fact! It'll be interesting to see what kind of plans they offer when this comes out.

@hifake: you should find an option to 'remove background image' in the same corner of the screen the original 'change background image' text appears.

@wætherman: Your post here could easily be misconstrued as offensive; if sarcasm was the intent I'd appreciate if you could clarify that.

@eenmijay: seconded. This comment is teetering on the edge of trollish.