Massive Dude

Yeah that got caught in my chest. Poor dude.

This feature is fantastic. Thank you Josh!

To this day the fact that the Jon Biron produced "Extraordinary Machine" never got a release is a massive injustice in my eyes.

I'm going to go with Loaf but that's because at my heart I love catchy shit and Polvo never went accessible. That said, Polvo is still great, I think I'll wind up getting wicked into them in a year or two.

As far as tour van songs this is pretty rad but I still gotta give it to "King of the Road" by Piebald. Also worth mentioning that "Goodbye Blue & White" is a whole album titled after a van but if I remember correctly doesn't actually have a van song on it.

That makes it….so much worse.

I love that "because we love you" part but the part that has always choked me up is the line "I can't prepare for death any more than I already have." That line and the way the music swells up afterwards is just phenomenal.



I should not have read this at work.

I like to think most words can also refer to cocaine.

"Hopefully you have these 17 toms."

FLAM rest. FLAM rest. flam rest.

Mr. Meeseeks can you bring Phife back?

Oh yeah dude that game was endlessly fun. The tower at the end remains possibly my favorite level of all time.

Dead To Rights was campy fun but I think I beat that game in like 5 hours. Went by far too quick. It never gets old telling your dog to take people out though.

That racing mission can fuck off forever. Otherwise extremely fun game.

Oh man, I never played 3 but 1 and 2 were my JAMS. They are absolutely abhorrent to look at now though, you are right.

The sands of time? If so, that game had one of the most fun end levels I've ever played and one of the absolutely most tedious combat mechanisms ever.

That game kicked ass.