Massive Dude

In fairness to the GOP, is there a better way of displaying your patriotism and love for Americ, other than spending $90 million on an insane July 4th parade and blocking funding for 9/11 first responders? I don’t think so.

I fucking hate the dirtbag left. I’m an anarchist, and I have a shitload of respect for almost all of my leftist peers, from auth-coms to syndicalists. But tankies, nazbols, and the dirt bag left can all fuck right off.


And the former ECW/WWE wrestler.

I rewatched Scott Pilgrim recently for the first time since it came out — I thought it was OK with major issues then, with Cera chief among the problems. He’s still the weakest part of the movie (and I think a large part of that is cramming his 2000-page journey of growth into a 100-minute movie) but his callowness

Jered is from my neck of the woods. About 10-12 years ago my power metal band played a battle of the bands. It was shitty metal core band after shitty metal core band then us then Jered’s death metal band Sayteth. I actually kinda liked them and was very vocal with my support. I looked around and the crowd disagreed

Oh, it’s just a long string of Vince Staples lines -

Me agree about Jackson — it very impressive how he modulate performance from one moment to next depending on who in room with him. But me disagree about Django. Me think it culmination of Tarantino’s entire career, for two reasons. One, he succeeded with Django where he not quite succeed with Inglourious Basterds, in

Sinatra in the board room where they kill Takagi, and escaping not by crawling under the tables, but by pulling out a microphone, summoning a big band from an adjoining room, and entrancing the criminals with a rendition of “One for My Baby, and One More for the Road” until he’s right next to the elevator shaft, at

Fun fact - because Frank Sinatra had portrayed Det. Leland in the film The Detective, he has it in his contract that he had to be in any negotiations for sequels, and so before they could offer the film to Willis (or any of the action stars who passed on it before he was cast), Sinatra had to say no. So there’s a

The Raid turns me into the bastard son of ZMF and Avenged Sevenfold fan.

My understanding is that after a few inches of rainfall, the soil is saturated and becomes essentially impermeable anyway. The exact amount depends on local soil types. That is to say, in a heavy rainfall event like this one, that stuff makes little difference.