Massive Dude

Holy shit is that what is happening on the Muppets show? I need to watch that!

Dude you are not the only one. I feel like everyone struggles with feelings of guilt over not appreciating what they have and feelings of having missed their opportunity to pursue the perfect life. There's a great line at the end of High Fidelity where Rob Gordon is talking about how he romanticizes strange women

Oh my god. So this show has been just getting better and better every episode this season. It's really exciting to be able to watch something that I truly feel is special (I felt this way with Review as well.) The characters are staying completely honest and believable, when Gretchen was doing the walk around with the


November 5th 1955 - (S)march to the Sea
Laura Stevenson & The Cans - Torch Song
The Austerity Program - Song 27
Demi Lovato - Cool for the Summer
Pharoahe Monche - Bad M.F.
These Arms Are Snakes - Mescaline Eyes
Lemon Jelly - Space Walk
Eve 6 - Amphetamines
Botch - Japam
Ella Jenkins - Wade In the Water
Torres - New Skin

Thank you! It is reasonable, I'm fully prepared to admit I had some unreasonable expectations as to the traffic situation. Funny story about that actually, I had an Irish gentleman cut me off during a commute, to which I responded with a light honk and a rude salute, and then had him SLOW DOWN and pull to the side of

The AV Club has some serious opinions about this inoffensive promotional video for a superhero movie. I, for one, am excited about this movie and may drag Mrs. Dude to see it as her valentines gift to me.

Probably about 6 months ago. I would typically leave at 8 to get to work at 9 in Woburn which isn't bad, I'm just an asshole when it comes to traffic because I'm so used to taking back roads everywhere. I find that the traffic from drum hill to treble cove is typically mediocre however once you get past treble cove

I was also referring to that rt. 3. I talk a (probably undeserved) inordinate amount of shit on that road because I lived right off of drum hill and had to commute rt.3 to 95N every day. 95N in the morning is clear, but rt. 3 going towards it always took me an hour. If they added an extra lane I'd be a fantastic

I didn't grow up in the city proper but my folks did and my accent vacillates wildly. If I'm drunk, angry, tired, or excited I talk like I grew up on D street. If I'm speaking thoughtfully or considered (in a debate, what have you) it basically disappears. However, if I'm talking to someone who has the accent I

It depends on what you deem "affordable" (of course) but even Billerica is getting pretty pricey. If you want to find a house for around 200k you're looking central MA or Lowell right now, (and even in Lowell, you're getting a fixer upper.)

Dude I grew up next to Billerica, that town is a goddamn garbage heap. I think that the greater Boston area is going to be an interesting place to watch in the next decade or two because most natives are getting priced out, but those low income areas have to go somewhere, so I'm always curious to see where they'll end

I just want to say that rt. 3 is a monument to man's arrogance.

pronounced "ked" like the shoes. "Brah" is also common.

Thank you for being you.

Thank you!

I think this is a matter of perspective. Most movies about "Boston" or Massachusetts in general, (to which movies only really touch upon Lowell- "The Fighter" or Boston, correct me if I'm wrong) are about the lower income ethnically segregated areas of Boston which still exist to some extent, but it's nowhere near

Spoooky scary!

I mean, with how anal he is about psi I'd assume your bag would always be on point, though you'd wind up paying $500 for a ball.

Goodell, greedy? Say it ain't so!