Massive Dude

Thank you for that gif(t) Whovian. The lady and I almost fell off the couch laughing at that snap. My good god. Also, Edelman is having a goddamn banner year so far.

So funny story about Martyrs. I bought it on a whim one day, and I'm not really a big horror guy. I like it, but I'm no buff. I wanted to see how the more modern, gorier horrors suited me. So anyway, I went to a friends house and watched it there and although I though the front half was very well done, when it got to

That game was fantastically scary. I would play it in the dark with headphones on and my idiot friends kept coming up behind me (unbeknownst to me) and tapping me on the shoulder during pivotal battles. Dicks.

Dude chucky scared the ever-loving shit out of me as a child. I also used to have nightmares about pinhead from hellraiser after simply seeing the box art in a video store one day (I was an imaginative child.) Still have not actually watched the Hellraiser movies.

I think the way they shade her character beyond "ditz" is admirable. Like, yeah she doesn't have any idea how to be an adult but that doesn't mean she can't be a good friend to someone she's known since high school. The nuance that Stephen Falk and the actors bring to these characters is incredible.

I think he did have a reaction. When he beat the shit out of the Jason impersonator I think that was supposed to be the "reaction" as well as being the impetus for him to tell Dorothy about his issues.

Backed hard. This and BoJack are the two show I point to when friends of mine ask what depression is like. Both shows are excellent.

That line fucking killed me, and this show is so good at the small devastating moment. That shot of Nina looking at Jimmy and just putting her apron back on broke my heart. Not that I want Jimmy and Gretchen to break up or anything, but you could see the hurt and anger in that little gesture. Whoever is directing

For those of you who haven't seen her live; amend this. She's great. So happy to see her getting some attention.

If you're seeing this you already know but GOD DAMN this comment section is a WILD RIDE.

I was! If I remember correctly they sent you a sample of the actual "monster blood" once. That coffin box saw a lot of use from me until it finally got lost one day.

Weird stalkerish question but what newbury did you go to? I feel like I may have rang you up.

Although Jimmy's face was heartbreaking at the end, I think the look Gretchen gave him right before she walked out the door was just brutal. Originally I thought maybe she wasn't going anywhere, just like driving around trying to get her head right, but that look definitely conveyed a sense of palpable guilt so now

That film is absolutely excellent and I hadn't made that connection. I've never met anyone (besides my father) whose seen it! I'm FREAKING OUT, MAN.

We Shall All Be Healed is the first of the personal albums. That's about his tweaker days.

On his episode of WTF John talks about what I assume Genesis 3:23 is about, he apparently revisited one of his childhood homes (the current tenants let him in) and just sort of looked around for a bit.


Yeah in season 3 I believe. I don't think the "we don't use music from past the period it's set in" is entirely true.

I think the outrage was more that it's painted as "all people into BSDM were abused" rather than "this guy was abused and so he's into BSDM" but I don't fucking know I've never read it and I'm not going to see it why did I even read this god I should be working.

I absolutely love all three Titus records (The Monitor and Business in particular) however I went to see them in Cambridge recently and I couldn't take the crowd. I know I should have been prepared for a bunch of drunk sweaty pbr-swilling collegiates (it was the middle east upstairs, and it was sold out) but for some