

“Imagine if California decided to vote on secession. Why would we, the other 49 states, allow it to proceed?”

A number of rural Colorado counties did in fact vote on secession during the Obama era. Granted, it was to secede from Colorado and form their own state because they couldn’t stand Democrats running the

See, you laugh, but about 3 miles from Vikings training camp was the largest mass execution in US history, and yes, they were Native Americans.

I’m new to kinja but did we just side step the fact that this comment was left by the actual Spider-Man?

Welcome to Bad Quarterback Performance Of The Week, a recurring feature in which we celebrate the worst quarterback play the NFL has to offer.

Holy clickbait batman. I think you need to specify this is about the windows/mac apps and not the

You really think the NFL would make a decision based solely on money and not the good of their players or fans?

Jacksonville doesn’t have the infrastructure to handle an NFL game

It’s going to take me an hour to finish the article because I keep scrolling back up to look at derpy lil Andy holding his torn book.

Why call in a professional when the amateurs clearly believe they can bumble their way to a successful Jaguars commentary? My skills are in demand in any number of venues.

Those are racists dressed in their make believe military clothes.

Wow thats a pretty elite list right there, plus if you add in the entertainment factor Beltre is an absolute lock. Guy plays the game, yes game, the way it should be played. You have guys treating baseball, that is primarily played by 12 year olds like some kind sacred art form where laughing and smiling is frowned

The guy they claim to have arrested (who was in an entirely different state) loses his job thanks to these keystone cops’s incompetence, but their jobs are as safe as ever.

let’s start a website

That’s not dumb! Anyone who is not moved to tears at least one time in that movie is a friggin’ robot. They should administer it like the Voight-Kampff test in Blade Runner.

But they didn’t enter it lawfully. In most states, after a light changes green, the intersection has to be clear of traffic before it can be legally entered.

It slows everything down so that you produce less in the same time period. That is not necessarily unfair to the workers themselves since, as you point out, they are going to make the same amount of money anyway. But it does decrease service to everyone else who is waiting and it’s very stressful to be in a high-paced

A gold star to any team that does Who, What, I don’t know, Why, Because, Tomorrow, Today, and I Don’t Care.

“on accident”.