What happened to Jennifer Lawrence? Passangers was bad but also ao is basically ever big/medium budget film atm
What happened to Jennifer Lawrence? Passangers was bad but also ao is basically ever big/medium budget film atm
They made sequels for that film. Very interesting
Dention knows that it doesn’t really have anything more then it's aesthetic but this film thinks that it has something to say. It does not.
I don’t want to be harsh but there is no way that a dark universe series was either be good or profitable. The fact that they managed to be made at all is a sign of the stupidity of Hollywood and frankly how much money was just floating around unable to make a large profit.
I really like his films but I am not surprised by this.
This film is under two hours and has the dumbest tagline I can remember. It will either be dumb fun or just dull.
When I was a kid I thought that video games should have plot and be art. As an adult I know that video games should be dumb as shit because otherwise they end up like Bioshock. Something that doesn’t really have anything to say and also bland enough that it doesn’t have any weird incoherence.
This feels weird like a spin off a TV series that you used to watch and really generic.
Really? I thought everyone stopped caring about cultural appropriation in maybe 2016?
That is really the most annoying thing about Nolan. He's a dumb guy that thinks he smart
I saw the Raimi Spider Films as kid and I remember vaguely liking them but does anyone have nostalgia for them? The most prominent thing that I remember is that they were earnest in a way that Marvel films never are and I can’t see them even attempting to recapture that feeling.
That’s all the Marvel/comic book films at the moment though. I kind of feel bad about the reviewers, what can they really say which hasn’t been said before.
What kind of people does he thinks runs Hollywood? Weinstein was an open secret for decades. Why would anyone care about Gibson?
The ending of GOT was bad but the show had been on a big decline since at least the Red Wedding but for some reason people didn’t talk about it. I think this and the fact that television suddenly “returned” to being largely trash and not being on actual televisions anymore is the big reasons that Game of Thrones was…
Are we still doing this?
What is this movie about?
Aren’t all the Marvel/franchise directors people that have made one or two relatively low budget films. They add something to the advertising of the film but they are ultimately subservient.
I don’t want to be harsh but most Oscar films are trash. Middle brow trash.
Do people remember any of these films? There have been a huge amount of reboots/film continuations in recent years and except for Twin Peaks I can barely remember any of them.
This is one of the strangest albums to listen because except for some new content I can not tell the difference the old and the new. I haven’t listened to the old stuff for a while but it’s a surreal experience.
Taylor Swift is not a particularly good artist but she is truly an example of how capitalism relentless…
He was successful but the whole thing reeked of a person who had decided he wanted to be a powerful politician and was checking boxes. He was only unfortunate to born in the wrong state with no possibility of career advancement, so why not try a run for president. There was no chance of him becoming president but it…