but you have seen this film multiple times?
but you have seen this film multiple times?
Holy shit this looks hilarious. Too bad that Marvel will remove every element of earnestness while being blandly competent to make a completely forgettable film.
I think most of the people that vocally don’t like Marvel films are from people who used to watch them and got tired of them. A lot of Marvel fanboys act like it snobs vs the common man but it really isn’t. The snobs lost and everyone like trash now.
I think what is interesting about that is how pathetic his politics are in his personal life are in comparison to his movie. In his movies they are about a heroic sniper fighting a duel or an idiot being railroaded by the FBI while in real life it’s a strange guy talking to a chair or complaining about a municipal…
I disagree. None of their films afterwards have been as good but there are probably only a couple of films that have ever been such a phenomena as The Matrix. Jupiter Rising was not good but I they were obviously written by a person which is saying something today. Cloud Atlas is quite weird but I think is actually a…
Yeh but the last scene really feels tacked on.
I thought the Hue massacre was by the VCP?
Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
This is a lazy thing to say but a lot of history books are going to start with Trump watching the beginning of privatized space travel while riots erupt across America.
So what’s going to happen with this? He’s just going to suck all this hatred and there is going to be a lot of think pieces and probably some half felt apologies about what some actor did 15 years ago. Then we are going to have exactly the same scandal again in 6 months?
Who cares.
This could be good because the research on the Vietnam War has made significant advancements with the opening of some of the archives in Vietnam.
This is strange and I wouldn’t believe this until the deal is signed. If it is true the alt right is going to get a lot bigger and these people aren’t completely stupid and have some kind of energy behind them.
I agree 100%.
Did she really represent information over emotion? I mean the best arguments that I saw for supporting her was she wasn’t a blantly racist millionare or an identification with her as either as a mother, a persecutated women or as a person who has succeeded in a male dominated industry.
Well your not wrong. This book is basically Hillary coming out as an extremely online shit poster.
For some reason I can’t see this type of liberal comedy being good again next year let alone in 3.
Before this book I always thought Clinton was just as smart as anyone that worked in DC but this stuff about Putin manspreading is just beyond stupid. It doesn’t take a genius to why a Russian doesn’t like a person/family involved in the looting of Russia in the 90s and Russia sees as a dangerous regime changer in the…
Yeh but it’s not just the Bernie Bros that don’t want this book. A lot of the Democrat hacks/party structure really don’t look like they want to reopen the 2016 Primaries.
Well he isn’t wrong unless there is a crisis which I think is likely. The Democrats seem at best confused and atm putting all the chips in the Russia basket seems like an outright failure. The soc dem left is stronger then before but it is still very weak and I doubt they can gain much institutional power in the very…