
Yeah, in HS we got three guys into a 94 300ZX...the guy in the trunk was laying fetal and had his head right by the speaker so naturally we cranked it up!

For fun (I’m weird): given 55.5 ft from release point to plate, the time you have to read the pitch and get the bat to the ball:

His clone probably wrecked him.

Always use tuner companies that are located within strangling distance.

Welcome to Rochester, where we combat winter like Mad Max combats the Apocalypse.

Um, are those also ysalamiri behind him?!?

That’s just light from Venus reflecting off a weather balloon into swamp gas. Nothing to see here, move along.

Obviously, all dongs have a little curve to them

An English major.


Canceling the race is so stupid. J still don't get who complained there is barely any residents over by the seaport.

You have to love the ref kicking the shit out of the guy.

Give them another 20 years to “season” (i.e. rust), and I’m in.

Another take: Rickon is a fucking idiot, who threw away the chance for Ned Stark’s only legitimate, non-magic son to rule because he didn’t know how to run serpentine.

Brings up the whole “whiskers are as wide as a cat so they don’t try to go somewhere they don’t fit” theory.

Now playing

Gigi could stand to learn a few things about busting butts in football

Pay attention men: Women do not like it when you send your donger to their cell phone. They end up blocking it every time.

You were at H2Oi. It’s just bros, fights, and idiots drunk driving.

It did get it’s 15 minutes of fame though to create a great punchline: