Who the F*** would name their kid “Said”.
Who the F*** would name their kid “Said”.
Michigan AD: Good news coach, we can now go ahead and give Dakich that scholarship.
I’m really worried this boat trip is going to be a big distraction for him heading into his playoff game. A bunch of reporters should ask him about it repeatedly.
“...even a blind clock fucks a nut twice a day.......or something like that.”
I did something similar. It went to every computer in the school. I also frequently got in trouble for installing Firefox on every computer I used so I could proxy around the web filter. Also for mapping network drives so I could access every student (and faculty) folder.
Are the league of legends players not actual humans?! OH MY GOD THE COMPUTERS ARE SENTIENT.
Maybe the product needs an upgrade on materials or something, but wouldn’t this be an ideal solution to the tire chains thing if it was durable enough, and if they snipped off the foot-long ends so they’re not having fucking accidental chariot battles on the middle of the freeyway?
How do you know if a car buyer is lost?
Faraday Future
How do you double the value of a Yugo?
I just imagined a bunch of construction working smoking and doing pottery.
Janitor = Custodian Engineer
Mind you I was young an dumb when this happened.
22 Chrysler Lebarons.
Start a LeBaron spec racing series.
Me: “I’m wearing Depends for the same reason.”