
I’ll just leave this here:

These are not the droids you are looking for....

You forgot to mention being a Ginger would have them start monitoring you....

Is it me or does he look like a mixture between Roethlisberger and Deadpool without his mask when he looks like a avocado?

Ive ridden in the back of a 300ZX that also had a lot of tools and parts back friends purposely got it sideways to mess with me...

Will they be able to track the psi of the footballs as well and realize that they fluctuate due to temperature changes? Just saying....

trying to understand how they launched it (watching on silent bc at the office)

The best way to increase focus and attention: Adderall

I’m from Mass as you would assume but while I was down south in Charleston, SC I saw a bumper sticker that said, I’d rather hunt with Cheney than drive with Teddy and there was a water line in between them....I find it hysterical but its also horrible due to that woman who died.

He was wearing his cut to the game lol

What did Tavarish do to break the law? I’m not saying I agree with this article and what the dumbass motorcyclist did. I prefer his art of the flip articles.

Tavarish, they’re hating, I have loved all your articles about flipping cars to the point that I wish I didn’t live in an apartment complex who only allow me to have one parking space so that I could do this as well. Keep on writing!

The reason for the lack of coverage is his name is not Tom Brady and Goodell doesn’t want to crucify him. The End.

Oh snap! Patrick laid down the law there lol

fast, faster, even faster, holy fuck thats fast....thats all you need

And by overcooked you mean over microwaved

But for boston, its fox25...has to be philly

it’d be funny if they were just like, ok thats a credit for next the next suspension you can subtract those 9 games off of it....

Don’t forget prison....that is really cheap...

Descent..... not decent