
my coworker replied when this was forwarded to him: jeb’s not good enough to be a main character, he can only be a NPC.
my response: non-presidential-candidate?

rally rally rally rally rally rally - ok chanting over, are you sure it can make that trip without breaking down?

Probably a dumb question, but could the hill descent control assist in going down a snowy hill (assuming its not covered in ice)? Or would it put you in more danger?

I could sell everything and still only get a Matchbox Car Version of a

I know and completely agree as I was once 22 and still have ADHD (30 now) and have done many stupid things like that and sadly...still do some of it when

During my post college still being lazy and running a nicer restaurant in Amherst that also did delivery because why not? There was a snow storm that came through that dropped about a foot and a half down and the owner called me and said hey we’re open today, my response, you’re funny, I’m going back to sleep. He

a power drill and a leatherman serrated knife....sadly the last two things ive used to open wine bottles because i lost my opener in the move....

a power drill and a leatherman serrated knife....sadly the last two things ive used to open wine bottles because i

Agreed, the pathfinder lost it’s way when it became a crossover. And im furious that they got rid of the xterra, it was one of the last suv’s that were like the old cherokees that were tanks, and one of the last you could get in a manual (i had to get auto tragic bc thats what they had on the lot and my 2003 honda

I have a 2012 xterra on a lease and all summer i am sitting there going i want a small rwd car (because racecar) and then winter hits which is about 3/4's of the year in mass, and i fall in love with the xTerra again because its an absolute tank in the at the point where my beater is gonna be my rwd race car

I live in Massachusetts, fuck you winter and how you rape our roads.

As a Masshole, I just say, fuck you snow, I will make it to the packy today even though you have dropped 3 feet of snow....

if production hadn’t stopped...Nissan xTerra would be up there before a decent amount of those, and it even comes with 3 pedals....just saying

I thought Winona already learned from trying to steal shit from other people......

Cue the South Park Economy episode and a Kazoo now....

I live out in Boston now after living in Western Mass, Worcester and throughout the 495 belt and around exit 21 they would do no preemptive stuf and only do reactionary and the town would demand the DPW people to do the work immediately after the snow had fallen and completely understaffed. I was in High School and a

I grewup right around exit 21 on 495 I know how little they take care of the roads there and its right near where the pike intersects too....plow/ice the roads? why do that?

im betting that peyton won’t get more than a slap on the wrist while they tried to ban brady for “under inflated footballs” can use drugs, but if you use under inflated footballs then you’re up shits creek! good job setting a precedence nfl....

it wouldn’t be meth at the zoo, it’d be their molly or coke. meth isn’t that prevalent in mass.

Delorean that you drop a new engine into? because race car?