The Book of Mormon Freeman

For me, it was more that the first 9/10 of the story were designed to understand and sympathize with the plight of immigrants in this country....only for the last 1/10 to be pages upon pages of socialist speeches and doctrine.

No, if you were to ask Lindsay Ellis, it really started with Robin Williams in Aladdin.


Part of the problem is that YouTube has been designed to be digested in quick, 5-10 minute bite-sized chunks.

What? The kid gave very sound advice.

Pretty sure the 4th expansion is going to be about Krieg handling Maya’s death.

Voice acting is pretty good, but you can still tell some differences.

Literally one of the main attributes that is taught in Introduction to Microeconomics is that monopolies have very little incentive to innovate due to their entrenched position as a market leader.

It’s in-line with what BioWare said about MaleShep usage versus FemShep.

A picture of Tianneman Square?

I think part of it is the logic that a re-worked game can develop a long-tail of consumer spending that eventually justifies its existence.

How has Sony “worked” with Unreal?

The amendment is super important to American history but as a slice of Lincoln’s life, it’s no different than passing any other bill or amendment.

Except there have been reports of Sony struggling in manufacturing to develop a cooling system to handle these sudden changes in clock speeds (from Bloomberg).

You do know that Sony’s CPU clock speed is “up to” 3.5 GHz right?

How can they do that when Unreal Engine 5 is still in development?

To me, it would make no sense for Epic to give a technical showcase of Unreal Engine 5 (an engine designed to be cross-compatible with all sorts of devices and something they are using for Fortnite)...that would only be possible with the PS5.

Why does everyone include the maximum amount for the PS5 and yet fail to do the same rounding for the Xbox Series One X?

Probably because they wanted to feel sorry themselves for being “foreign but not foreign enough”/ “unattractive” rather than actually be retrospective.

The issue with Scooby-Doo is that it truly is a Saturday morning cartoon at heart.