Lincoln was concerned with the passing of one amendment, and many would argue wasn’t even the most interesting thing about his life (the assassination being one, his entire ordeal with the Civil War being another).
Lincoln was concerned with the passing of one amendment, and many would argue wasn’t even the most interesting thing about his life (the assassination being one, his entire ordeal with the Civil War being another).
The classic issue of software:
I think they’re being sarcastic, but it’s really hard to tell.
Yep, ranged was so garbage. Need to have plenty of wood to craft arrows, couldn’t regain adrenaline nearly as fast as something like a dagger, abilities were not very good (although overpowered bow was the tits when it landed).
A ton of mercenaries cannot be staggered, so using things like Spartan Kick and Shield Break aren’t nearly as effective as they should be.
Sure, you CAN do that. I can also spec into Range gear/tree and do Assassinations but it again is not optimal.
It’s more that speccing in stealth is just not practical for 80% of the game.
The problem is that maxing out your gear in stealth means you are woefully unprepared for when things (inevitably) go wrong, or when you are put in a battle scenario where stealth is no longer viable.
Makes sense. In a creative field, enforcing standards only encourages creatives to find competitors who are more lax in enforcement.
You can (Microsoft had Sunset Overdrive and Dead Rising 3 last year) but most of these studios are doing well enough financially to not need it.
He’ll take a poll...with the caveat in the poll saying “Choosing not to work means you are indefinitely suspended”
Oh absolutely, if the Bloomberg report is to be believed, Sony will have a very hard time developing a competitive price point for the PS5 that doesn’t have them losing around $50 per console.
This reveal was for third party games.
It’s interesting how a culture that Microsoft “fostered”/became associated with in the late 2000s has stuck with them even though we’re in 2020 and it really no longer applies.
This game already exists on PC, called Bright Memory Ep. 1
I mean, a lot of that is based on the CPU (such as particle physics, or general AI behavior. Even number of enemies on screen is influenced by the CPU).
The problem with “wait and see” is that it works when your competitor is shooting itself in the foot, then stabbing its tongue with a bayonet (like all the mixed messaging that Microsoft had for the Xbox One, in particular whenever Don Mattrick decided to speak).
Because they’re voiced by the same voice actress?
What makes this so unusual is that Mick Gordon isn’t some novice to the demands of the video game world:
While I agree that ScarJo has made a lot of interesting choices during the MCU (and some meh ones like Sing), I just don’t get the focus on heavily weighting recent filmography.