The Book of Mormon Freeman

I can’t speak for myself, but a lot of the praise The Last of Us received was because of how Naughty Dog was able to get people emotionally invested into the story.

I just don’t get how assholes like him are so popular.

As the saying goes “When someone tells you who they are....believe them”

To me, it’s hard to compare someone like Downey with the rest.

She’s the tail-end of being a Millenial, and probably has more in common with Gen-Z people than your typical early 30s millenial.

Can’t tell if a Russian bot due to the utter lack of reading comprehension but...just in case this is an actual human being:

Not too surprised, even Jeff Kaplan seems kinda done with Overwatch.

While Downey’s output has been quite crap, I wonder how much of that was him trying to get his passion project Doolittle funded.

Yep, except I forgot one caveat:

You have people complaining that Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal “ruined” Lara because they had her wear non skimpy outfits and gave her a muscular physique to complement the fact that she fucking scales mountains and shoots the bow like nobody’s business.

I mean, that’s also conveniently ignoring that ScarJo herself has appeared in a lot of crap.

As others have mentioned, GamePass is a great deal and could lead to the revitalization of the AA game.

The second letter sounds so much like a shit-post....I really hope it’s a shitpost but in the event that it’s not:

It’s “amazing” how all the concerns for historical accuracy always arise when a video game allows us to play as either a minority or a female.

My biggest issue is that, while the pivot was necessary for bringing in fresh perspective and preventing the franchise from feeling “stale”, it has also completely lost what made Assassin’s Creed...Assassin’s Creed.

Oh, I’m not denying that she has talent.

No, it’s more that parsing human language is really difficult, and algorithms trained on human language are notoriously easy to game.

Roles are roles. Clearly she’s not appearing in Oscar winning films, so getting any role is better than no role.