The Book of Mormon Freeman

Didn’t help that a lot of her movie choices have been...suspect.

I’ll speak for myself here:

While I don’t like stealth releases....

Too easily to manipulate.

Can’t wait for the Herb to start banning comments on AV Club and Kotaku as more writers are forced to write these garbage slide shows and users call him out on it.

Glad to see that the Herb has decided to turn Kotaku into Buzzfeed and the Huffington Post with these slides.

And yet I always get a confused boner when she speaks like a Jersey/Valley Girl....

I feel bad for Stephen Totilo because he really fostered a great working environment for Kotaku and nourished a ton of talented writers (Tina Amini, Jason Schreier, Kirk Hamilton), and now everyone’s leaving because of the fucking herb.

He’s referring to the incel-ladden world of r/KotakuInAction

I think one of the problems of sit-coms is that characters and people age and it becomes increasingly difficult to come up with reasons why the characters stay without having them devolve into idiots/who they were before.

What? If you’re going to accuse Microsoft of stealing from anybody, accuse them of stealing from SEGA. 


I know I’m late but it’s been bugging me:

Good, this needs to happen more often.

Gigantic? Gist? Giblets? Gipsy? Giro? Gimcrack? Gibberish? Giardiasis? 

No I’m not.

And they’re all wrong/easily debunked.

But they don’t.

Good point.
