The Book of Mormon Freeman

As if your way constituted the first rule?

Oof, really doubling down on your bad logic now?

When’s the last time you went oonderwater? (SCUBA).

And I assume you pronounce giant and giraffe with a hard ‘G’?

Fair enough.

And the argument for a hard-G stems from how the first syllable is pronounced in “Graphics”, similar to JPEG.

Gin? Giant? Ginormous? Ginger? 

Cat: “Cate” without the “e”.

And PIN stands for Personal Identification Number and yet I don’t see anyone pronouncing it “pine”.

You’re right.

God, hearing that argument is like hearing M. Night Shitupon claiming that the reason that US critics didn’t care for The Last Airbender movie was because US critics just don’t “get his European sensibilities

You really think it will be mixed reviews?

Uncharted’s problem is that it’s a video game that looks and feels like a C-grade action film.

Why is this film different?

Exactly, if teams are allowed to be as callous as possible towards the players, why don’t players get the same benefit?

Exactly, these players have no idea how good they have it.

Exactly, sports has become emblematic of American society as a whole: willing to lick the boots of the uber-wealthy and ostracize those who even try to speak out.

Doubt it.

At this point, the writing’s been on the entire wall in terms of lack of empathy.

Has America ever invaded a democracy?