
TMT seems to be a partnership outside the auspicious of US government. Here’s the partnership (bolding mine):

There’s a potential issue where a bad actor can imitate your facial expressions to unlock by FaceID, but it’s not that big of an issue because the bad actor’s are bad at acting and aren’t good at imitations.

He’s sad because there’s no Wi-Fi and Judas is hogging the 56k connection to download fake nudes of Mary Magdalene.

I guess they never looked at the ancient Seuss text, Green Eggs and Pam.

Except what I said is 100% correct and valid and it’s you who are wrong. It is LITERALLY saying to NOT use the tactics listed. Even if its *wink wink* “don’t use these tactics ;)“

Read the caption. The original article refutes what you are saying directly.

Say what you want about Amazon, but using that still image from the video out of context, especially considering the title of this a really shitty and unethical thing to do. Be better.

Oof. Agreed. I looked to the 9 / 26 post...

That’s what you call a straw man argument. I never indicated that.

Ew low key homophobia

You weren’t going to buy any apple products anyway. Sit down. 

Another reason why he may have been passed up for a job is because people *hate* working with self entitled jerks.

Well, since there were claims that oxygen wasn’t flowing, I’d imagine that some didn’t listen to the whole spiel:

“She said she was an ageless entity from beyond the known universe!” 

They don’t specify the specs or ages of the laptops. If he’s buying them for storage only, and they’re older, he could have gotten all five for maybe a thousand bucks, and that’s if he bought them all at once; more likely he accumulated them over time. Custodial staff, particularly in educational and research

It’s Mr. Idiot, remember that next time.

Coming soon to a theater near you. Mary Poppins Three. Whimsey has a price.

So he would have been better off keeping the $2 billion and doing nothing with it?  I mean there are plenty of appropriate grievances to be aired towards Bezos.  Be better Hamno.  This is fucking weaksauce.  

Meanwhile a plane carrying Pre Malone landed earlier without incident. A federal manhunt has begun for Actual Malone, who has vanished without trace.

Man I can’t wait for Crackdown 3