
I’m surprised Apple even allowed them to charge a different price. My understanding was that a lot of those sorts of products (Apple products, game consoles) had a price that was set exactly by the manufacturer, but perhaps I’m mistaken about how it works or Apple decided not to do that in this case. My impression was

Lmao I felt the same way. What if those two got together? Imagine that: a storybook romance between a cold piece of emotionless machinery, and Sophia. (Stolen from Yahtzee)

At the last conference I went to, one of my favourite presentations was actually on how you can do this using the laser from a disassembled optical drive (CD, DVD, or Blu-Ray all work). Since the lasers there already have a lens to focus them it becomes pretty straightforward. They even figured out how to send

I’m not sure if the acoustics expert was misquoted, or if he lost his mind after listening to the recording one too many times, but 7000 kHz - 8000 kHz wouldn’t be audible. I assume they meant 7 kHz- 8 kHz or 7000 Hz to 8000 Hz.

That’s an excellent question. I would hope that we would pull out our diplomatic staff for the time being. I guess I don’t know how diplomacy works in the world, but surely we can maintain friendly relations with Cuba even if we don’t have any diplomats there for the next few months? I really doubt that it’s Cuba’s

I tried this once, but my phone crashed from a divide by zero error.

Adorable? That’s the very stuff nightmares are made of. So I don’t think adorable really captures my feelings on this organism.

Was this it?

It might work perfectly in a purely capitalist market filled with rational actors. But the US isn’t purely capitalist and it turns out humans aren’t completely rational either. You have other factors that could prevent people from racing across the country with water, such as organizations like the Red Cross as well

I don’t know about the Sylvania ones specifically, but with Philips Hue the switch is left on all the time. If you want to go back to using the switch on the wall, you just turn the switch off and then back on and the lights come on. You can still switch back to the app afterwards.

Thank you. I’ve tried Googling but couldn’t read any of the pages where it was mentioned, and Google translate didn’t like it. Figured it had something to do with nuclear bombs.

I don’t know much about Japan, but is it really that easy in Japan for a white person to break into acting major roles? Or is it of a similar difficulty to major roles in America? I think that we should definitely ask questions and attempt to determine when it’s appropriate to switch characters for actors that more

A dictionary is just a curated list of the million, billion, or trillion most likely possibilities to try. No, the computer doesn’t care whether it’s most common, but if it’s not in the dictionary then basically it amounts to brute forcing it. Besides, using a reasonably good salt makes a dictionary or rainbow table

Even a 1000 petabyte precomputed hash dictionary wouldn’t even scratch the surface. You’d need close to a million petabytes of storage to store all of the hashes. And then that library would only contain the hashes for a single salt. If you wanted a lookup table for 1000 different salts, you’d need a billion petabytes

A dictionary attack only works on the most commonly used passwords. XKCD specifically said that they had to be randomly chosen. He also said they were chosen from “common” words, though I will admit I have no idea how many words would be considered common. Certainly it becomes weak if you only include the 100 most

I realize that probably the worst possible image was used - which is fine - but why is it that everyone in that image looks like a complete tool? Or is that just my biases showing?

With ~8.6 x 10^20 possible combinations of words (assuming the 4 words are chosen at random from all english words - which most people wouldn’t but it’s what you should do), wouldn’t it take thousands of years just to compute the hashes for all those possibilities? I assume the hash of “correcthorse” is not the same


The tag was spot on - don’t give a crap about any of these people and I feel dumber for just knowing they exist. But the first paragraph and the boat shoes thing made me laugh so I ended up reading the whole thing anyways.

As Captain Jack mentioned, the statistics themselves are compelling, but the conclusions are not. Correlation is not necessarily causation. Those statistics show that many (but not all) of those who have eliminated meat from their diets live longer. Statistics makes no claims as to why they’re living longer. Is it