
Raise your hand if you were a 15 year old girl who was constantly pestered by older men. The fathers of the kids you babysat for pouring you a drink. Your friends’ fathers staring at your tits or walking in on you in the shower. Your male teachers dropping hints. Strangers pulling over as you walked home from school.

I don’t understand why this is so tricky for France. Anybody who has ever spent time with an 11 year old knows that they are not responsible enough to make good decisions for themselves, nor understand the consequences of those choices. Pretending like they are informed enough to consent to sex is ridiculous — there’s

I have a totally uspoiled theory that Damien may end of allying with the Legends in order to save Nora. I’m guessing he didn’t think that Mallus might totally overwrite Nora’s personality and then Nore herself. If he didn’t and if it happens, then he suddenly has a reason to fight Mallus. Like I said, it’s just a

I really don’t know how people can be in ecstasy over getting such bullshit “raises.” Woo boy, that extra $1,000 is sure going to go far!

Their corporate tax rates are pretty nominal compared to the US. Just use property and income tax. The trick is jacking them up sufficiently to cover.

I don’t give a shit about the companies. Focusing on them is pointless because they’ll find a way to cook the books legally anyway. Most companies don’t pay any taxes doing just that.

Progressive corporate tax system, goddammit! I think you could at least somewhat credulously claim that small business owners will invest a much higher percentage of their savings in their workforce / increasing payroll. But Walmart or Amazon? C’mon. Not that the GOP gives a shit, obviously.

Here’s the real solution - don’t tax companies. Seriously, I know it sounds crazy, but we shouldn’t tax corporations. Most of the rest of the world doesn’t.

Sorry, but this propaganda has worked and the GOP wins this one again. My simpleton friend who isn’t interested in politics in any meaningful way, who is one of those “middle of the road” people, said that Trump did something “good” with the Tax Cut. His friend had only been working for Best Buy for six months and was

That’s awesome, because nothing burns like crisp, newly starched sheets! Also-

Wishy washy on evolution and she was a doctor? My mind is blown. That is nuts.

Killing DACA is not an achievement.

I don’t think you understand what the words you’re using mean.

It’s a shame the Kool aid you’re drinking isn’t cyanide laced.

You’re arguing with someone who would rather set themselves on fire than view things in the abstract. Fanatical true believer are insane.

No love here since not only did they do shit, they managed to fuck things up even more.

You didn’t notice or didn’t read the qualification to the list that the GP poster wrote:

That’s the most narrow-minded comment I have seen in awhile. Oh great, I got to fill up my gas tank in my Prius (the only car that fits your $40/month gas budget) while that rich dude got to fill up his private jet that he was able to buy with the tax breaks.

Is anybody still on the side of the GOP?

Well why should my taxes go up and not basically anyone who lives in any of the red states? The tax bill was passed with the outright knowledge that those living in higher cost states- as in states that mostly vote for democrats- would suddenly have to pay more.