“a black Magneto who survived the Rwandan genocide.”
“a black Magneto who survived the Rwandan genocide.”
I’m really curious what they’ll do with Magneto, because he is one of the only characters tied to a specific historical event - the Holocaust - and unlike Steve Rogers they can’t drop him in cold storage for 60 years. Either they change his backstory, bringing along the baggage of a different atrocity, or he’s super…
That’s a lot of wasted words just to tell everyone you’re a cunt.
lol. there it is.
Not sure you can call it fanfiction when the company that owns the story is the one telling it.
Could you have written ‘FromSoft’s’ instead of ‘Dark Souls’’? Probably not, bet your editor wanted the SEO clickbait headline instead. Really tired of people only using the borrowed language of Dark Souls to discuss a series it has nothing in common with.
I didn’t watch it but based on the article it sounds like a developing situation that won’t be solved in one presentation.
looool those updates
Can’t properly express how glad I am this isn’t another slideshow. Friggin’ herbs are gonna ruin this site even more than they already have.
My first thought is Gal Gun.
You may not like that Disney performs their own inspections (and it may be true their standards are higher than state fair inspections) but you have to agree that using the power of the state to try and compel a private company to adopt a bigoted administration’s values isn’t the way to change it.
Regarding Iron Bull, I think the problem isn’t Iron Bull or “Demands of the Qun” so much as it is a more general issue with how the Qunari have been portrayed.
really feel for the obese adults who can’t fit in one ride for children
Anyone complaining about the size limitations is really just telling on themselves. A 40 inch waist is HUGE, period.
While I think they probably should have designed this to be more accommodating, but less than 40" waistline isn’t “thin”, at least for dudes.
Source: I’m around 38" and I’m a bit of a fat fuck.
It’s almost as if the average American is overweight and/or obese.
Oh is that why Zag and Dionysus play that prank on Orephius that they are the same person and the bastard son of Zeus and Orph doesnt realize its a joke.