At least in the UK, Ikea have great bulb ranges.
At least in the UK, Ikea have great bulb ranges.
I know a lot of people who started as QA and are now not QA. There was not a structure for it (in the same way there was not a structure for an artist to be a designer or a programmer becoming a producer) and their stories vary: some had good managers who helped them skill up, some did home projects, some displayed an…
Oh cool, this is the next boss I am doing. Cool. Cool cool cool.
Someone for the older crowd to recognise.
I think I have lost an NPC due to not knowing where they went and proceeding to do later parts that would have advanced their quest, but not spoke to them before.
“Community day” not lasting a day is very funny.
He should have done it with a gun in order to stand his ground.
To use the usual answer to this “Why not all three?” Fighting for reform in one area does not preclude fighting in others. All three are worthy causes in their own right.
Maybe Squeenix are just really bad at math and cannot make good estimates for how many boxes will sell?
Publishers are now quickly scrambling to find out what they can actually have ready for the previous “do not bother” period of the year.
It is proving that it can be just like the real world and things can be stolen. Truly, things are advancing.
A good few years ago when he was in his early parts of his career I said he was vain and arrogant after some interviews, massive bawbag energy.
The environment looks great, but I am really distracted that her hair does not move with the same gusto.
Personally I like across. You can look at each other a lot, play footsie and the lovely wee “hold hands over the table when the meal is done and you are a few wines deep” is a pretty fucking great feeling.
The 4-top depends on the shape for me! If it is a rectangle, across. If square, corners are great. The main reason is the short of the rectangle is not usually set, is narrow and generally in the way of the flow of the restaurant.
I always think back to the leather running pants he said nobody would make due to racism, not the fact that leather for running pants would be terrible.
I think Horse Armour is a defining piece of content, not for quality but for how much it changed the industry.
Hey! That is unfair. They are proving you can run an elaborate scam about ownership without burning a forest to do so or shouting “blockchain!” every three sentences. They have proven time and time again that the blockchain is not needed at all.
I am looking forward to seeing the summon warlock build with two stasis turrets and a healing turret.
Essentially by making a reasonable spread of mid earning games that recoup costs quite well. They are publishing a half dozen releases a year, putting out some games that can be re-released for new platforms/generations and getting deals for their games (Humble, Game Pass, etc). Worth noting that they went public a…