
Yeah Ray-Ban didn't want to renew the contract. I'm sure the screwdriver toy will be cheaper than a pair of Ray-Bans.

I'm not saying 'it works' for me. I'm just saying I think that is what they were going for. If it was, it was clearly effective to that goal.

"But the feeling for me was that Clara Oswald is the center of the universe and nothing else in the episode really mattered"

I admit, I'm a newbie. The contractor comes later this week with the backhoe. Gonna do it right. I'll be sleepin' in my subterranean TARDIS console room in less than 3 months!

Who looks at glasses and thinks: "these could be a bit more sonic"?

If "Run Like Hell" was a Pink Floyd reference… I'm on board.

Ha! Yes, they just kinda glossed over that Gallifrey was found, didn't they? Considering the end of last season's finale, it's hard to imagine finding it wouldn't have had more of an emotional impact on The Doctor. Maybe I'm giving them too much credit here, but it may have been done that way to just focus on how

All -true- Doctor Who fans have one in their backyard. Surely, they just used one of those.

Let's hope that thing also wiped him of the memory of (and ability to construct) sonic-sunglasses.

For me, the whole jaw dropper in this was The Doctor using a gun to basically murder someone, That above anything else, showed me just how far the writers were trying to insinuate he would go for Clara. That is just something The Doctor would —never— do.

OK… Still coming to grips with this: Guess what? Not only is Clara -not- dead, but she is now perpetually one heart beat from death and presumably also traveling (Doctor style) throughout all space and time with Ashildir in an old-school TARDIS stuck in the form of an American diner? O_o

BTW. I've heard that the finale involves The Doctor in pursuit of the original 'cuttlefish of cthulhu', which we all know was savagely cut from Oderus's loins in the early 90's. Thankfully, another grew in it's place. But now that Oderus himself is missing. Finding the original cuttlefish might lead to uncovering his

Death by crow has never been so dramatic! …and without a single eyeball getting pecked no-less!

"…and the dude in the monster suit."

You just perceived him running as a human due to those crazy worms in the lights. Him dieing would not change the effect they have on the observer

As if we haven't seen Clara die before…

In that episode The Doctor was telling her that she couldn't travel with him because immortals needed to live amongst mortals so they didn't forget how precious life was. This flies in the face of the reason he gave 'the second dose' to her in the first place… but this is Nu Who… so we'll just forget that incongruity,

Why were the two-faced aliens the only ones that weren't disguised by the worms (aka 'the misdirection circuit')?

Did you see the episode "Flatline"? It was the 9th episode from last season. Rigsy played a rather large part in it.

This particular version of her is dead anyway… Different versions of her are still all over his time-stream though, unless I missed them clearing that all up.