
It was fitting that Clara should die from eating crow.

I'm sure no HP fan, but I absolutely thought Diagon alley. Lazy writing. This whole season has been -really- lazy writing.

Seriously… how can you say that if no one has ever tried? Why just stand there? That's stupid.

More likely something like Oderus Urungus. There will be a lot of Gwar involved.

So your argument is that you believe that The Doctor will never retrieve his TARDIS?

Clara ate crow.

The season finale has a 32 minute solo. He gets a little noodle-y in the middle but it all comes back together in the end with an epic run of finger tapping that lasts about 10 minutes. Dude's guitar sounds just like bagpipes!

Quick thinking Billy! I want you on my side if a crow ever flies at my tummy.

The only way I know that a crow can turn to smoke is if it's burned up, so it'd be dead then. Win-win!

After this, 12 spends the next 3 episodes doing death-metal licks on his guitar.

"How 'bout a little fire Scarecrow?!"

Did anyone ever think to try to bash that crow with a stick? If a crow flew towards my tum-tum looking like he wanted to get in, that's what I'd do. So obvious.

Where did she get that pet crow from anyway? Seems like something The Black Guardian might keep around…

Nevertheless, it is a fact.

On the good side: In the future, we can watch Osgood get senselessly killed at least 2 more times!

The Doctor was going through his emo phase then.

He was a fairly large part of an episode from last season.

First companion to die from crow attack.

Good thing he's got a time machine so he can go back and see her whenever.