Sorry to make you feel bad, but I'm currently living in Mexico City, so carnitas and chalupas are my life! And they are so, SO good.
Sorry to make you feel bad, but I'm currently living in Mexico City, so carnitas and chalupas are my life! And they are so, SO good.
I wouldn't say we are "cool" Okies, but not-terrible people exist here. That's why I'm staying. Most of my progressive friends have left for Austin, Portland, San Francisco or Seattle, so many people who need to be represented aren't, due to their color or accent. I am staying for many, many reasons, but that is one.…
Oooh fried pies. I'm in Mexico for the summer, so I miss my Okie food. BUT, if you are a Spanish speaking social worker, there is work. Not great pay, I'll add, but thanks to the aforementioned traits of my government, there is indeed work to be done.
Oklahoma represent! I love this, because we're known as backwards, hateful, racist, sexist, fanatical people. And you know what, our government is, for the most part. But! Not the people. I hate to gush, especially since I'm not the hugest fan, but they have done so much for our community. By "our" I mean not the…
My father was an alcoholic and drug addict. Two months before he died (I don't use euphemisms) he was getting sober. Then, on Valentine's Day I woke up to my mom calling me with the awful news. Instead of keeping his cause of death a secret, I talk about to everyone, friends and strangers. He owned a successful…
No experiences like that, but my cat, Baby Kitty, would hide ham strips behind the dryer, and that was gross because when I moved there were about 40 strips of deli ham all dried out behind the dryer. It could have been worse, like in your case.
I have a book called "The Ethics of Feline Aesthetics" (joke gift, interesting book), and they use only vegetable based dyes, which are non-toxic. There's a whole subculture of cat friends that pay thousands to have professional cat painters to glam up their pets to look like anything from Capt. America to sharing…
My corgi is also a pain, so I strike a blow to her ego by getting her shaved every few months. She looks like a lamb wearing pajamas (it's Hellº where I live). She looks silly, feels comfortable, and gets an awesome bandanna afterwards.
"This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land" again Woody Guthrie, from Oklahoma, a state now considered backwards (and it is, which is why I'm staying, actually. All the liberals are making a mass exodus to Austin, Portland an Seattile, leaving the voiceless, well, voiceless). I often think about the songs I had to…
That's funny you mention that. I am from Oklahoma, a completely red state with a racist government to boot. But you know what? Our state motto is "Labor Conquers All" because we were originally a populist state, read: "A sociopolitical thought that compares "the people" against "the elite", and urges social and…
Goodness, isn't informing yourself great?! I wish everyone thought so, too.
I am in Mexico waiting for a Skype video call so I can "drink" with my friends and "hang out" at their bbq and watch fire works. It's not like I'm lacking fireworks because every night it sounds like my neighborhood is getting totally shot up, but the ones back home are coordinated with music! And I'll have my…
I'm jealous of all this "heat" everyone is talking about. I'm in Mexico City and it's raining, about 22 celcius, 71 fahrenheit. Granted, the day I left from home to come here it was 103 F. I can complain about anything.
At the age of 12, my mom thought that my "full" (i.e. bushy) eyebrows were Audrey Hepburn-esque. So, she thought I should have a Hepburn haircut. So, I had hair 2 inches long, braces, coke bottle glasses and thought that hot pink mohair shirts were rad. But, everywhere I went, I was "little man" or "sir". I remember…
That sounds awesome. I think I read something about that in ReadyMade or something. But seeing "veggie shots", I was thinking wheatgrass and whisky or something. Wheatgrass I love, whisky I don't. Except for Old Grand Dad, because it's called Old Grand Dad.
Please share: what are veggie shots?!
I thought I was going to be all cool and sly about getting married and do it in a courthouse, but now I have the "fever". I'm thinking about having the ceremony in a bone museum. That would be cool, no? Or, the Oklahoma History Museum. I don't know. I want flowers and dresses and presents, and since I proposed, I feel…
I work in a "questionable" part of town, so any non-white dude or dudette is considered suspicious by my boss. It sucks. With people as blind and and ignorant as her, the best you can do is ignore it. Their intorlerance is ingrained and practically irreversable, so discussing race relations isn't fruitful. It sucks,…
Hattie was a groundbreaker for sure, but please don't forget about the others. Clara Luper died recently, and I feel like everyone should know about her work and legacy. The sad thing is that as a woman from Oklahoma, she is not acknowledged in Oklahoma History textbooks, so her story is getting lost. Please read the…
Oh, but the problem is that it's a secret until 20 June, at my Mexico trip going away party! I didn't think I would want to spread the word, but I do. I'm weirding myself out!