My husband is nostalgic. And they don't make a lot of shitty movies on DVD. Or, we could be too cool for modern technology 'cause we're too cool. (Really, we scour thrift store for good/bad shit.).
My husband is nostalgic. And they don't make a lot of shitty movies on DVD. Or, we could be too cool for modern technology 'cause we're too cool. (Really, we scour thrift store for good/bad shit.).
Big Trouble in Little China. On VHS. It's kind of awesomely terrible.
F'real. I've never been to T-An Urban Tea House by Blue 7, but heard great things. I am a coffee person, but a good cup of tea can lead to a tea bender. Like at Cous Cous Café. Morrocan sweet tea is the shit!. And yee-haw! 405 represent here on Jezebel. (I have to add "Thunder Up!")
Shower Beer! Yes, capitalized. It's a thing. A fun, incredible, thing.
1. Jawbreaker
From "The Making of The Fittist: DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution"
Aawww snap. Get outta here, Carl!
Yesterday's bracket inspired me to buck my jesuit norm and say "yippee-kay-yi-yay, motherfucka!" to my man!
The Stuff You Should Know guys are super sexy. I love Josh's voice. It's like smooth chocolate covering an incredible mind full of wit. I don't know who is current or not with SYMIHC. I have two ladies on my podcasts. I am indifferent. They certainly don't have the vocal hotness of SYSK. And I thought no voice could…
Thank you. I was petrified when they call my name randomly to talk about a certain experience. The enjoyment came from me doing it without hyperventaliting, which I would do in class presentations. That was a major triumph. I really hope that anxiety disorders become better understood soon. It's not a matter of being…
Stuff You Missed in History Class is awesome, too! I totally feel like I am stultifying. I got my degree in Spanish lit, do crosswords for fun, and love Jeopardy! As you know, you cannot really do crosswords through earbuds, watch Jeopary (because you're sleeping), and I can't actively enjoy listening to Echeverría on…
One thing I really enjoy after working nights is coming home to a snoring spread-eagle naked husband, dog, and cats (seriously, all spread-eagle and snoring). But one thing I really, REALLY like is coming home to watch my recorded shows. So I am DEVASTATED that The Walking Dead is over. I guess I need to watch Mad Men…
This is after I *thought* I became all liberal and yeah-man-whatever-don't-hate-viva-la-revolución!: "The feminist movement already happened, so why are you still fighting for women's rights?" AND..."Ayn Rand is brilliant. In fact, her essay "Comprachicos" inspired me to drop out of high school! They're just making me…
I am super impressed. Once I managed to get over the anxiety of visit a psychiatrist (seriously anxious at my first visit. He saw my blood pressure and actually said, "Oh my god!"), I couldn't order pizza on the phone. Now that I'm on meds, I would do little tests like go to the supermarket or a restaurant at busy…
I'm back after a long time, and with a new username. I missed y'all! I work nights, so on weekends, there is no greater joy than coming home at 6am, sipping on some near-beer (Oklahoma gas station beer is 3.2%) and reading hours and hours worth of groupthink. It makes me a little less sad about not having a life…
Ok! Comment will be redacted, and participation will be put on hold for a bit here on Jezebel.
Let me add: In Oklahoma, our beers are 3.2%. We can't sell anything more potent except in liquor stores, which close at nine pm, and and are unrefridgerated. I hate having to defend myself here because I thought this was an open and honest place, but Oklahoma beer is different from other beer. We lowered it to 3.2…
F'real. I saw it on Gawker and it was, dare I say, touching.
I talked about this last night, but still have questions regarding Wellbutrin and alcohol. I had my 8th annual christmas party last night (on day 4 of Wellbutrin after switching from Prozac) and alcohol now has NO effect on me. However, all literature says that I'm going to die of seizures if I drink on Wellbutrin. I…
Krayshawn over and over and over again. And since she has only one real song, it's the same song over and over and over again. Also, I've been kind of obsessed with toilet etiquette from around the world, so I wikipedia the shit out of that (haha!). Serious. Wikipedia japanese toilets. They are genius and crazy.