
I get the impression that much like the Baratheon black hair, the genetic marker for House Frey is "fugly."

I've always found Varys to be a fascinating character, as he's one of the very few truly "big picture" people in the setting. I'm willing to take him at his word that he wants to serve the realm, and the best way to do that is to get all this stupid fighting stopped ASAP. You've got all these fields being burnt and

I've always found Varys to be a fascinating character, as he's one of the very few truly "big picture" people in the setting. I'm willing to take him at his word that he wants to serve the realm, and the best way to do that is to get all this stupid fighting stopped ASAP. You've got all these fields being burnt and

I think we can see Tywin's hand in the mere fact that Tyrion is still alive, especially under the care of Grand Maester Pycelle, who's still pissed that Tyrion cut his beard and chucked him in a cell (and who has access to countless ways to make an already-gravely-wounded man just pass on in his sleep). If Cersei

I think we can see Tywin's hand in the mere fact that Tyrion is still alive, especially under the care of Grand Maester Pycelle, who's still pissed that Tyrion cut his beard and chucked him in a cell (and who has access to countless ways to make an already-gravely-wounded man just pass on in his sleep). If Cersei

Yeah, and Dany with her "Do you remember what happened when I walked into the fire?"

Yeah, and Dany with her "Do you remember what happened when I walked into the fire?"

I think they established this pretty decently in the last episode. Jaime was NOT going to make it through the night- both he and Brienne pointed it out directly. I even got the impression that he was trying to goad Cat into killing him just so it'd be quicker than the Karstarks would do it. And she knows Littlefinger

I think they established this pretty decently in the last episode. Jaime was NOT going to make it through the night- both he and Brienne pointed it out directly. I even got the impression that he was trying to goad Cat into killing him just so it'd be quicker than the Karstarks would do it. And she knows Littlefinger

You imagine something for so long, and then when you get to see it… what you thought would be pink is brown, and what you thought would be symmetrical… isn't.

You imagine something for so long, and then when you get to see it… what you thought would be pink is brown, and what you thought would be symmetrical… isn't.

I'm amused by the fact that Cersei slapping Joffrey gets him just short of threatening to have her killed if she ever lays a hand on him again, but Tyrion can slap Joffrey all the live-long day and get nothing more than shocked silence in response.

"I hate signing birthday cards!"

Best non-joke joke- I stayed through the "Stuck in the Middle With You" closing credits and caught that Michael Madsen was the voice of Kevin Costner.

My interpretation of the scene is that he may actually have intended for Ros to do "something different" with the scepter, but either didn't have the right words to explain it beyond "use this on her" or is still trying to work himself up to that level of depravity. I think that Ros chose to just beat her with it,

Well, we saw Jesus in the last episode, I think he counts.

This episode did share a lot of superficial similarities with "Skytanic"- included the full "main" cast except Krieger, Cheryl gets naked… the addition of Babbou brings it up a point, but it was neither as quotable as "Skytanic" nor did it have anything that quite matched up to the gag of Archer's continued stubborn

I'm on record as totally sold on Rudy as a character, to the point I don't really care if Nathan ever comes back. I don't remember who said it a few episodes ago, but despite their similar filthy, self-absorbed exteriors Rudy has a core of sweetness and Nathan at his core is still kind of mean. Regardless, my favorite

Also, I've swallowed every piece of gum I've chewed for the past… 25 years.

You could almost see the wheels turning in his brain when he busted out the "I'm sorry, PLEASE quit." after just saying "gimme it." It rang very true for an eight year old who suddenly remembers that Mommy and Daddy said he's supposed to say "please" if he wants to get what he wants from other people.