
Without clicking on the spoiler box, I'm going to guess…

yeah, it's edited. From "Six Days to Air" you hear his half of the conversation with his mom in the car from "Human CentiPad" and it's just his normal speaking voice but with Cartman inflections and cadence. They pitch it up later.

I was also a little surprised to hear a single unbleeped "fuck" from Garrison at his rally. More evidence of the rush job that this episode suffered from.

It's a terrible prank, which adds a whole other layer!

Since I see Horsin' Around as most clearly a Full House analogue, Goober is Kimmy Gibbler to me.

Well, Harrison can get fussy when he flies…

And the motivations for the other murders she's done prior to the show, the ones we only heard about, were:
1) Was a messed-up kid and kinda got off on it.
2) Wanted to own a greenhouse.

Um… Hannah kills for self protection because she NEEDS protection due to solving all her problems with killing. Am I misremembering? Was her boss, the original kill that got the cops after her, actually a threat to her somehow? Hannah and Dexter are a good match in that they've never met a problem they couldn't murder

You still have The Following!
You ALL still have The Following!

I watched Dexter after Breaking Bad. Figured it'd be a good way to lighten the mood before heading to bed. And I was right! That wacky lumberjack!

Meh, Harrison has a new mother now, who he knew he loved after interacting with her once for a couple of minutes. If Rita was so great, how come HER love wasn't enough to make Dexter give up killing?

Unfortunately Dexter is the type of show where "it'd be terrifically bad writing" isn't sufficient to dismiss a plot point. Since she showed up I've been watching the show assuming that Vogel is behind the killings, and nothing has seemed terribly out of place. Nothing in her interaction with Yates implied that she

"You're not making Christianity better, you're making rock and roll worse!"

@avclub-72085404bc24959bbd79392bc8ad27d0:disqus "It's as though we were caught in some sort of giant interstellar gravimetric net, then flicked back to Earth in one piece! The net flick saved us!"
Amy: "I get it!"

The expanded conversations were gold for me, particularly the "okay, but only if you do something for me" bits that ended up having to grind to a halt as Michael figured out who owes who what.

Mariachi Sound of Silence being the best of them all, in my opinion.

Even if it was human sausage (no reason to think it wasn't, really), you're looking at something that's probably got a not-insignificant number of other flavors going on- onion, sage, pepper, whatever. That "tenderloin" on her plate was straight-up roasted and rare. Nothing to hide behind there.

Right, I agree that if he's going to kill Alana it would only be out of an act of self-preservation. Since she seems to buy into his persona completely, I don't see her getting in a position to even really suspect him.
Plus, being able to identify subtle flavors in Hannibal's beer indicates she has a refined palate,

Jack has always been very big on urging people to do the wrong thing while not telling him what he doesn't want to hear. Patterns!

This series plays pretty fast-and-loose with time, particularly as it pertains to the crime-solving. We could be seeing entire swaths of days or weeks go by without comment on them. Clearly Will is still teaching, so he's not out case-solving all the time.