
Sam Elliot begs to differ. And reminds you that real stars call it "Tinsel Town."

I didn't read it as racist at all, merely a descriptive term used by a man who's making a point of *not getting attached* to these new people. Even if he actually does remember Glenn's name, referring to him by description is a reminder to his daughter that he's not an "us," he's a "them."

I think we're definitely looking at a character trait, and one that Tom at least gets a little glee out of tweaking. It's kind of sweet that he's trying to connect with Ben while at the same time acting like he's Jane Goodall studying a particularly interesting chimpanzee. Just push the nerd button and see what comes

My exact reaction. The room's blown out and he walks out, and I actually said out loud, "Oh, no fucking WAY he walks away from thaaaaaaAAAAAAHHHH!"

I read the scene as though Eladio's #1 henchman (the sniper) had already checked out the gift ahead of time and knew what it was. It was just a box with a ribbon tied around it, after all. Note the Don first checking with him and getting the nod before opening the box. So requesting shot glasses be at the ready was

I'm going to lean toward Jesse being honest, here. Or, rather, he's honestly conveying the message Gus gave him. We've seen over and over during the show (even with Mike in this episode) that when he's trying to be manipulative, he handles it hamfistedly. It's sad and funny to realize that at his core, despite

You know I didn't.

@Kara- He probably didn't think that because if he knew that if Mike wanted him dead, he had tons of opportunities in far more isolated places that day.

Fun from the Newbie thread
"What the hell Jorah doing bringing a pregnant woman anywhere near that satantic cesspool?! You're just asking for a demon baby… "

As a person who already daydreams about someone with an Aisha Tyler body and an Aisha Tyler personality, this was only a natural progression.

Best of the season
It's funny, had you told me the plot of this episode before it aired I wouldn't have thought I'd be that into it, but this episode had more laugh-until-tears moments than any other episode since Skytanic, for me. Wee Baby Seamus's tattoo was the first of many. I've spread this show to all my friends

I do like that Archer isn't actually *stupid* aside from his interpersonal skills with his coworkers. He's a narcissist and sometimes deliberately obtuse and aggravating, but he's good at the physical parts of his job and pretty quick-witted when he's working off the cuff. He gets tripped up when his preconceived

My favorite payoff to the "Whore Island" bit is that Cheryl/Carol asks if the Isle of Man is the guy version of Whore Island, which means that Archer continued to think and talk about Whore Island long after he left his mother's office.