
When you put it that way, it’s like the team is poorly run or something.

Let’s really break this down.

“If we clear out enough space, Lebron James will sign here!”

Amare Stoudemire signs with the Knicks

“If we clear out enough space, KD and Kyrie will sign here!”

Literally no one of consequence signs with the Knicks and you can bet your sweet ass they don’t get the #1 pick. 

What evidence is there to support the idea that:

This dumb dumb team. This goddamn Fyre Festival of a sports franchise.

Kristaps and Luka. This is the dream I didn’t know I had 6 months ago.

My mistake. I didn’t realize a small anecdote about my experience with Airbnb was going to provoke accusations of bragging, and “us versus them” sarcasm.

Rent control is a tax on housing.

Where’s the opposite side of this equation? As an Airbnb tenant, I’ve probably saved $2,000 in hotel costs in just one year, which enabled me to spend more money at my destinations and travel more, to boot.

Hey HamNo, any numbers from other urban or rural areas that are affected by this, anything besides NYC? Or is the headline misleading and this is just “... a tax on everyone (assuming everyone lives in NYC)“?

I am excited for the day when progressives manage to nuke the housing market. It’s going to be an exciting time to buy.

I’m sure this study has plenty of merit.

It’s so terrible, technology that facilitates property owners using their property as they see fit and in a way that makes them more money.

There’s an obesity crisis in the US and the UK too, so I see no problem at all with fat shaming. We need to be telling fat people - and I say this as a fat sod - that they need to lose weight.
Yes, a ridiculously small minority are fat because of health issues that they can’t control. The vast majority are simply lazy

You can choose to not be fat.

Being fat is unhealthy.