
It’s really confidence inspiring when you won’t even wait until your YOUNG star player finishes his rehab....And they wonder why so many Knicks play tentatively and like they’re out for themselves

Oh come on, give us white people a few White Europeans who can play. Is that really too much to ask? They’re not going to colonize the game and turn everybody else into their coolies.

You are commandeering other peoples’ labor when you have a procedure done.  That’s why “dollar amounts” have to be attached.  People have to get paid for their work -- just like you, I imagine.  Someone has to pay and there aren’t enough rich people to pay for advanced procedures for an increasing number of people

ATTN: This is a repost because apparently this comment (though it was marked “pending approval”, seems to have gotten lost)

This may also surprise you Mr. Crosbie but under the “wonderful” Medicare-for-all scheme there were probably be fewer organ transplants because they are very, very expensive. Every time you do a

This may shock you Mr. Crosbie but there are very few transplantable hearts to go around because there is a shortage of donors. If that fact bothers you go change your Driver’s License RIGHT NOW to specify that you are an organ donor.

NOW, since there is a very short list of available organs and a very long list of
