
Harry is always "just missing". It's a running joke. Love it.

I agree with that but I guess it's human nature. Everyone has their favorites and people want to see their favorites do well and the enemies of their favorites suffer. In the end the show is making a comment on us at the same time. Which is brilliant…

True but Lou puts a capital J on jerk.

Creative indulgence. I don't make any more of it than that.

Any chance Peg and Ted re-ignite the love flames? We all know when he asked if he could come back to NYC that he was really thinking about Peggy. Ted seems to believe his misery is caused by being burnt out from advertising but I totally think it's because he regrets ending his affair with the Pegster…

Lol, didn't see him the rest of the episode. I think Lou is done unless there is another surprise…

Yeah you totally missed the point of that. They were trying to show that she's different from Betty.

The musical scene made me curious and I did a quick search on Robert Morse. Didn't know Robert Morse was an actual well known stage actor. I think they just did that to sort of give him a nice send off. Don't think anything more should be made of it unless you want to believe the computer is taking over Don's mind

I'd be surprised. Maybe they have sex, but an actual relationship?

A parody of Mad Men would actually make great fodder for a musical.

No, not at all. She's right out of a sitcom…

I think she saw herself becoming Betty. It wasn't by coincidence the way she looked and how she was even smoking (down to the way she was holding it.) Smart girl.

He's not anymore a sociopath than anyone else on this show. We have to remember that he is not a fully fleshed out character. We only really see the business side of Cutler…

All qualities that make for a great Advertising magnate…

I guessed Cooper immediately but curious what other names popped into your head when it wasn't at first obvious who died?

To be frank, she's also not hot enough and Don seems to prefer brunettes Betty being a noticeable exception.

She's crazy right? Can her behavior be interpreted as delusion? I'm calling it early…

An A? These reviewers have been too generous with the grades. I'd give this one a B, B-. Boring episode for me. Probably the best parts were with Sally who steals the show in every scene she's in. This episode and the one before have reminded me of the first few seasons in their overall style and heavy emphasis

Just think she has some daddy issues combined with some religious hangups.

Ewww Lu.