
I think she just meant it would be hard to wow them after that.

I wouldn't call peggys personal life stable. It's pretty depressing and lonely. Maybe stable in the sense it's consistently depressing.

Nobody is perfect but I actually think Ted is not a bad person. I know that comes off cliche on this forum but he has shown admirable qualities. I do think he's indecisive and Peggy deserves to not have her emotions played around with any further.

Not too much Roger and Lu interaction which is a little disappointing. I'd really like to see Roger unleash a zinger on him.

Maybe Ted gets a divorce. Ted seems indecisive to me. Typical Hamlet type. So I'm not counting on it.

He certainly fit the role of the jerky teen jock. It makes sense that Sally eventually lost interest because I don't think Sally would be interested in a boy like that for long.

Let's chalk it up as different strokes for different folks. I understand why the first season was that way. It had to set the foundation for the show and at same time explain the advertising business somewhat for people who were not familiar. It's a big part of the show. Don't get me wrong and I enjoy that aspect

I'm sorry. Not quite sure what you mean

I'm not a huge fan of first season. A lot of it was like watching paint dry (very deliberate and slow) but it laid the foundation.

Lol, with regards to Meghan, lol I see what you did there.

I think most viewers would probably be a little disappointed if the show went that route. I continue to interpret any closeness between those two as a father/daughter dynamic not any kind of romantic chemistry.

I neither loved it nor hated it. I simply interpreted it as a sort of tribute to Morse and the character. I think anyone reading more into it than that is just off. Just my opinion. I didn't feel it was consequential to the show just something quirky.

The whole episode seemed to be juxtaposing her to Betty. Sally acted like Betty for much of the episode. It was intended, the smoking the putting on the extra makeup, Betty's friend comparing her to Betty, etc. But in the end Sally ultimately took a different path. I think that was the intended point. To show she

Good point that I seem to keep forgetting. Yeah he is done either way.

That's how it is in the corporate world. Very little thought is given to staff.

I don't think it was dumb. He misread situation perhaps underestimated Roger, and overestimated Ted. He has no clue how depressed Ted is.

Maybe or perhaps moreso a representation of Don's inner psyche just warning him not to forget what's really important.

Yeah I could see that. I don't think it was a coincidence that we didn't see him the rest of the episode. He is not part of the new power structure that is forming. I interpreted it as a figurative end. I could be wrong though and he'll stick around to give us more of his bitterness and Mr Rogers sweaters.

Well they'll have plenty of money. I could see him being bought out. Lou's whole reason of existence is to be a bitter bossy type. He gets off on it. If he doesn't have that power granted to him anymore what use does he have?

I officially stopped reading them. Just go to comment section. At first I was open-minded about it but I have realized that they are not really bringing much to the table. I am finding much better insight in the comments section.