
In the end Pete ultimately looks up to Don.

The mom is totally in love with Bob Benson btw. It's hilarious.

I doubt she makes anywhere near what the dudes make. She can probably afford a modest upgrade though.

Way I read it as well and that's why I did not judge him too harshly for it. It would be pretty difficult to work high up for a mainstream mega company at the time as a closeted man. You need a beard.

Trudy comes off a bit too uptight. Don't think she'd be fine with that at all.

Let's face it though, for the time period she was in someone like Joan would have a very difficult time remarrying or even finding someone worthy of it. Feel bad for her when she said she wants to find real love.

She likes the "hippie" Cali Pete that we caught a glimpse of in the first few episodes.

She really needs an interior decorator too. Her apartment is so drab.

Would love to see him just randomly appear in an episode.

They both wear glasses.

Don't forget Lane's Ghost.

True but perhaps this is setting the tone for some disruption…

They have shown a good side to Harry as well. He's actually really helped Don a few times. Like Don said he's loyal.

Harry deserves it. Say what you want about him but remember the media department was created on a whim, a fluke and he's made it into a main part of the business pretty much on his own. Joan doesn't like Harry (for valid reasons). Roger still sees Harry as the dumb kid.

I was open to the multiple author thing at first but I have to say so far it's been a flop. They are missing a lot of stuff and the conversations between the two authors are boring.

The thing is Peggy wants to be looked at as the best or being among the best period, she doesn't want to just be the best woman.

I guess drinking rum was still considered exotic at that point.

They've made him into something of a caricature this season.

Peggy looks much better with her hair that way.

Never caught the repressed homo/bi sexual stuff perhaps you are right. But Ginsberg was just an archetype of an eccentric neurotic new york jew. To go from that to what happened in this episode was a leap. Your insinuating he was always batsh** crazy. Not the case. He had a breakdown and it took him over the edge.…