
Hope that's not the last we see of Ginsberg but does anyone else feel a bit disappointed the most eccentric of the characters was the one who had the mental breakdown. Ehh I don't know it was just a bit disappointing and cliche to me. I guess the warning signs were there though it seemed like in this season every

Their marriage is pretty over even with Megan's attempts to get Don to stay.

Bad is an understatement, she's acting like a spoiled brat…

Wasn't Dawn supposed to get Don a Nesbitt's soda? I saw he was drinking a coke…

Not easy to harness those pups. Whatever she's doing its working.

People can be wise on certain things and still be terrible people in general.

I guess you mean Pete and Duck? Both were affairs. Her public dating life has been pretty slow for the most part in terms of action…

A privileged white male at that time and of his age would likely have those views. Bert in some ways is eccentric and not a typical old rich man of that time but the character I feel is pretty realistic. As for why he supported Don, I think ultimately he felt Don was good for the company so he was willing to look

Never got that impression. If anything the show always seems to present her as unattractive to most men and frumpy. Now personally I don't find Elizabeth Moss gorgeous but she has a certain sexyness about her.

Kiernan shipka is a great actress! She really gets across a lot of emotion in her mannerisms.

Don't think I've ever seen Mad Men address the race issue as deeply as in this episode. They've dabbled but have never quite committed to really going in. It was definitely interesting to see. Dawn in some ways reminds me of Peggy, early seasons Peggy to be specific. Its quite the contrast to compare her to Peggy.

I thought she looked hot. She was a little too thick last season IMO. She's at the perfect weight for her.

Her rack is underrated

I agree I thought Ken's change was extreme and almost too much of a caricature. Perhaps it will be fleshed out better later…

I didn't think the retro look was favorable for her. It made her big chin stand out more. She looked pretty much the same though, like she never left. It's like she's been in the pool from Wild Things all these years.

Don is suave, Pete isn't. The men secretly want to be like the suave Don and the women wan't to bang him. Hence the difference. Don is like that guy in high school or college you knew was really fake and an azzhole but yet was well liked by everyone.

Most of Don's mistresses have had a similar look…

I interpreted the blond as some sort of metaphor for California.

Yeah that is another likeable aspect of Pete's character. Unlike most of his more uptight co-workers he actually dug being in the city.

The funny thing is I made a similar sandwich for dinner before I even happened to watch the show. I had no clue that was going to be on the show. Pastrami on wheat, colby jack,sliced cabbage (cole slaw style) and honey mustard. Delicious.