
It doesn't make sense if you look at things as strictly black and strictly white with no grey areas.

I think Pete is supposed to embody a sort of waspy progressive ideologue.

Correct. If he was making it about himself and trying to score brownie points he wouldn't take that position. As a upper class White male he wouldn't be taking the easier stance by defending the civil rights movement. This was done on purpose to balance him out. All the characters have at least some likeable

I concur!

Ken was always the more grounded one. It's tragic what has happened to him. Maybe he needs to set sail in order to find himself again.

In LA?

Yeah I agree. Everyone is expecting a sad or tragic ending but at this point that would be too obvious and historically this show has avoided the obvious or has at least thrown a good twist or two when they have gone down the more obvious path.

Roger is alone and feels lost. I would presume he doesn't really feel at home in the office either.

Ehh it's probably a bit of all that. Also contrasts Megan's current apartment vs the one they shared in New York. She is rejecting Don!

I enjoy the idea exchange. I like it more this way.

I assumed temporary as well but in typical Mad men Fashion they leave a lot of things for viewer to figure out or conclude on their own. Old Ken pretty much died in that accident.

Yeah I interpreted it that way as well. So perhaps this is a double double entendre.

The sideburns, what about the hair?!

I enjoyed the episode quite a bit. Everyone seems to be miserable or alone though except for Pete, who unless he was putting up a front for Don couldn't be happier! I lol'ed at Pete's hairline though. Loneliness as a theme was brought up time and time again with the two biggest sufferers appearing to be Don and

That's kind of the point.  Always has been.

A women with an identity crisis would.  Her doing that was very Bettyish

To me Don cheating at this point is to be expected of his character and is no longer a surprise.  I am curious about Peggy, there seems to be a mutual attraction there between her and her boss (? I think he's her boss).

Hmm hadn't thought of that.  Just assume he was an eager to get ahead type.  But you might very well be on to something.

No the super bowl was not yet a big deal.  That was a gaffe.  I noticed it right away when I watched it.

Don got her the gig. She was falling apart and ready to give up after only being at the acting thing for a short while. No she isnt betty exactly but they are a lot more similar than we thought originally. She is doomed to repeat many of the same mistakes…