
Don got her the gig. She was falling apart and ready to give up after only being at the acting thing for a short while. No she isnt betty exactly but they are a lot more similar than we thought originally. She is doomed to repeat many of the same mistakes…

I give the season a B.  There were some incredible episodes.  But I'm used to a certain level of consistency with this show, there were some pretty bad episodes.  I'm curious if Megan is indeed doomed to be Betty redux, I hope not, they certainly were framing it that way.  Also Sally growing into a teen should deliver

I give the season a B.  There were some incredible episodes.  But I'm used to a certain level of consistency with this show, there were some pretty bad episodes.  I'm curious if Megan is indeed doomed to be Betty redux, I hope not, they certainly were framing it that way.  Also Sally growing into a teen should deliver

Just watched this and I was disappointed.  C grade. This season was definitely very up and down in terms of quality.  I thought a couple of the episodes were among the best ever for the show but some like this finale and like 3 out of the last 4 were among the most boring, forgettable eps ever.  I get the message

Just watched this and I was disappointed.  C grade. This season was definitely very up and down in terms of quality.  I thought a couple of the episodes were among the best ever for the show but some like this finale and like 3 out of the last 4 were among the most boring, forgettable eps ever.  I get the message

I look at Pete trying to be Don like a running joke.  He always fails miserably at it. 

I look at Pete trying to be Don like a running joke.  He always fails miserably at it. 

Much better episode after previous weeks snooze fest.  This was not one of my favorite's of the season but I still think it was one of the better female character driven episodes ever in Mad Men.  Joan's decision will be a point of contention (isn't it always) for some time.  I know some will be disappointed with the

Much better episode after previous weeks snooze fest.  This was not one of my favorite's of the season but I still think it was one of the better female character driven episodes ever in Mad Men.  Joan's decision will be a point of contention (isn't it always) for some time.  I know some will be disappointed with the

Quick question about Mad Men in general, when they are in their offices, what is the clear alcohol of choice? Roger in particular seems to prefer that one and always goes right for it when he makes a drink.  I hadn't really thought about that until I was watching the previous episode and it hit me.  Is that vodka?  I

Ohh and Peggy's mom is a total biatch.  Explains why Peggy often feels so alone and like she's some pioneer on an island.  

Just wanted to quickly comment that I thought Sally stole the show this episode.  The actress who plays her is doing an awesome job.  It's still super early in her career but I say look out for her, she has chops.  Not my favorite episode this season.  It seemed a bit too contrived and forced to me but even a not

No not at all. Peggy is just lonely. Huge difference.

Uhh Lane isnt a pussy.

I feel kinda bad but not really for Joan. Of all the men to have an affair with (and she could have her pick) and a baby to boot. Roger? I know well part of that was ambition but we all know she really wanted Don.

No, don't get that sense at all. But by mad men standards these eps have been action packed. So maybe thats what you are seeing. To think they havent really dug into the sixties tinged topics at full strength yet. But to their credit the first episode and this one are classics.

Don is "free". But for how long?

Great write up of this episode! I also thought it was an instant classic. iMO it is arguably the best ep ever of this show. Its definitely in the running at worst. I say that because it perfectly encapsulated the souls of these characters. Even the Joan sidestory with her husband was extremely well done. I keep