Are you still talking about his penis.
So this happened to me quite some time ago (almost 20 years, wow I feel old!), but I still remember details to this day.
I don’t think this is what Jezebel intended for the contest, as it’s not scary. I briefly told this story in the comments of one of the contest pages a few years ago. Frankly, I don’t think about it much, as although it’s not the supernatural element that got to me at the time, it was a frightening experience and…
Hi Frida,
This goes back to sometime around my high school years. I was sleeping in my old wooden framed twin bed at home. It was the middle of the night and I rolled over. Next thing I knew an arm was laying across me. I quickly woke up and grabbed it by the wrist with my right hand. I held the wrist at just about a full arm’s…
Ok, I’ve been a reader of this thread for a few years now, every year I both love and loathe this thread because my morbid curiosity and inability to stop reading inevitably leaves me scared shitless for several days, and then I start the cycle all over again. This year, I want to submit my own.
This is so real and is my constant nightmare. Dating is scary. Underrated story. I hope you blocked him right away and he doesn’t know where you live.
About a year ago, I was dealing with the very tragic loss of my parents and distracting myself with Netflix and Tinder. Matched with a guy who had a shirtless mirror selfie - usually a hard pass for me, but he seemed sweet so I talked to him. I had hurt my back and was home in bed for 4-5 days and he said he was home…
Yaaas I wait for this all year. Ok, ok. Here’s my contribution this year.
Senior year of high school-in the eighties. My parents had moved our family to this godforsaken desert city from the Midwest the middle of my junior year. I was a fish out of water; often quite literally. Left my boyfriend in the Midwest; my first true love. We spent a few months with feverish phone calls, long love…
This happened to my husband when we were camping once. He sat bolt-fucking upright in the middle of the night and started just brutalizing the side of the tent with his fists. All he said the next morning was that “something” was out there. We still laugh about it...kind of.
Creepy! I was convinced you were going to say that your husband called afterwards to say that his mother had passed.
Oh my god, that is surreal.
NOPE. Nope nope nope nope nope. Maybe because I was raised in a family with “sensitivities” running through the generations, but I never used a Oujia board or held a seance. My mom always said you never know who you’re inviting in or whether they’ll listen when you tell them to leave. She spoke the truth!
When we were kids, my sister and I watched “Now and Then” with our neighbor friends. We were 4 girls between the ages of 9 and 13 - I was the youngest. Despite my mom’s religious upbringing and banning of Ouija boards and anything else that could be considered Satanic, the movie exposed us to the concept of a seance.
When my husband and I got engaged, I was living with a roommate. To save money for the wedding, rather than re-upping my lease, I moved back into my childhood home. This meant my parents and grandparents (who lived there) were always keeping an eye out to be sure we weren’t fornicating.
So, being creative, young…
I finally found this thread early early enough to *maybe* not be totally buried! The most intensely creepy thing that’s ever happened to me is also the most oddly beautiful.
This is not my story, but my best friend’s, and I’m sharing with his blessing. (Re-post from last year.)