absolutely! everything is better when a little consideration for other people is thrown in!! so many bridezilla stories could be avoided...
absolutely! everything is better when a little consideration for other people is thrown in!! so many bridezilla stories could be avoided...
lol this is why our wedding date is engraved inside my husband's ring.
i agree - thats why i thought valentine's proposals were okay since that doesn't inconvenience anyone else (theoretically) but a valentine's wedding definitely takes over other people's romantic holidays.
i also loved the fact that all our favorite people were with us on our wedding day, everyone dressed up and having fun together at a big party we threw. i'm not super compfortable with the spotlight but i did enjoy being surrounded by all that love from our fam and friends. we're thinking an anniversary party would be…
a coworker friend i kind of like hanging out with said she wanted to organize a girls night to go see it! i was really disappointed that i could no longer be friends with her. :(
I agree! I said the lighting thing to husband too - so dark and they were all dressed in black too. I loved the missy set though just wanted better lighting.
ummm yourself! a fitted hoodie and hat make him "dressed like a bum"??
lol i agree education and stupidity are not mutually exclusive! i was just saying though that waving off anti-vaxxers as "just stupid" only dismisses the real reasons why this position has become so popular that herd immunity is actually endangered.
yeah most people are so frustrated with anti-vaxxers and are quick to blame stupidity for the issue. interestingly anti-vaxxers tend to be wealthy and/or highly educated - it's not stupidity. they claim, like the parents quoted above, that their children are SO fragile and vulnerable that they cannot allow the danger…
oh no, this is awful! not bates! you should have warned us... :-/
oh my god, everything about this — the privacy violation, the prof's approach, your relapse — is awful! i'm so sorry :(
monogrammed coffee thermoses!! that's from ask a manager!
I'm new around these parts (I'm usually on jezebel and lifehacker) but I clicked over to confirm that Mazda 6 would be on this list. I bought a 2015 Mazda 6 and LOVE it, and only "discovered" it because I like to read reviews... i.e. I know I'm not an expert on cars so I'll read up on what the experts think. I'm sure…
TIL: Donatella Versace is SO rich that none of the people in her life (by friendship or by employment) will tell her she looks like a skeletal puppet... why wouldn't anyone tell her?
UGH yes, I squirm at that feeling of the clots coming out, especially when I cough/sneeze, or stand from sitting.. just last night I stood up from the couch and that look must have crossed my face, my husband looked at me concerned, like omg what just happened?? Boooy I'll tell you what happened!
the suit's okay but not amazing. does that make it "middle america"? what an odd insult. it's not exactly the suit version of mom jeans and fanny packs!
is American Sniper really that good? i haven't seen it - the commercials make it look like typical patriotic BS, except—TWIST!—the sniper has a conscience about killing all the brown people?
sorry, I'm confused about this. She said she was coming after you sent the invites, and she said yes again when you followed up a month ago. Maybe she didn't send a formal RSVP, but it sounds like she said yes?
totally agree! not many people seem to notice that the scary news stories on ebola and the movements of everyone who knew someone who was exposed to the virus ENDED completely the day after the midterm elections! even in NYC news which was super focused on that doctor guy. unbelievable.
my "other" vote was the same as yours. I didn't want EVERYONE'S kids there, but I wanted a couple close relatives (nieces and nephews). That's it. I don't even know why that wasn't one of the choices to begin with!