
amen to your whole comment! i died laughing at this part too:

the father's post says clearly that she's NOT allowed to have social media accounts, but that she secretly made them under false ages.

omg, this was the worst!! how could you just stay there?? have you tried talking to it - just like "okay, I hear you! but *I* live here now" ? although i'd be scared that it wouldn't like that answer very much.

nice! and by nice i mean HOLY SHIT. sounds like a drunk driving prom night accident :(

lol that's true! me neither. but it just stuck out to me that she's basically saying "well when DADDY's on tv, then we show the kids!" implying that when she/Mommy does something on tv (even if its every day), it's like nothing. like some kind of BS hobby. — which is what the fox news set thinks anyway - anything a

Wtf? They only showed their kids the segment that mommy AND daddy were on? Just mommy being on tv is not something they ever showed their kids?

Agreed on all counts. It was barely even a rumba, it looked more contemporary to my (untrained) eye.

i came here to say the same, although my mom called it a naara pani. much easier than a small safety pin! or even a larger safety pin or a pen.

i think you close the lid (no one wants to see it) but put something on top of hte toilet to suggest it is out of order. i.e. maybe the toilet cleaner stand (i dont mean the brush itself) or a makeshift sign or i dunno, macgyver something from what's available.

i've had the same problem from old acne scars. i've tried chemical peels (with a reputable dermatologist! be careful) - i did the rounds of chem peels alternating with microdermabrasians over a 1-2 year period. that certainly helped to some extent. now maybe 5-6 years after that time, i use a serum with vitamin c in

we do the same - separate accounts and a joint checking & savings account that we transfer money into to cover our expenses and savings goals.

There's no need to assume all the feminists are gonna get riled up because you two have divided labor based on expertise. seems perfectly rational and appropriate, especially since you are teaching her as you go along. I think any woman would get concerned about being shut out of any knowledge of her own financial

this was an interesting question to me so i just looked into it a little. you may want to talk to an accountant - it seems that your income will not be counted in his income-based repayment plan IF you file taxes as married-filing-separately (which has other ramifications as well).

omg thanks for posting that! i haven't seen the episode yet. nice throwback! but carlton dance wins :-/

i'm sure they would have the choice of decor, flowers, etc. Having a planner doesnt mean they make all the choices for you -they just gather the options and execute your choice for you.

to be honest, if i had a million dollars to spend on my wedding, this package sounds pretty good. you get quite a bit for it — 4 nights @ the W south beach, 6 nights @ Bora Bora St Regis, hair and makeup for your whole bridal party, multiple fancy catered meals, sunset cruise, DJ or band, decor and flowers, spa

thank you for your sane comment that *NOT* everyone with a $>50k wedding is irresponsible or extravagant or going into debt for it. When i initially drew up a conservative budget for our wedding, it was estimated to cost $65k. (NY metro area, Indian wedding = multiple events and fancy clothes & jewelry, 300 people).

landlords are not supposed to enter the unit without notice unless it's an emergency (gas smell or water flooding, etc.), to make repairs, or to show it to new tenants. check your lease for the details (should be under a clause like right to quiet enjoyment) and notify him in writing (email or letter) that he needs to

this sentence you've written is so on point: "people don't respond well to plain speaking women." So sad.

yes that's absolutely what happened at gm, and probably with the secret service too. Shoot her in the leg and later condemn her for not running the mile as she should be able to do.