
I understand that's what you wrote, but I don't understand how that is possible. I cannot imagine what would constitute a basic Indian wedding. Even if I think of only the most simple type of Indian wedding, it would still be more colorful, intricate, detailed, and particular than a "basic" non-Indian American wedding?

how can you claim that an Indian wedding, particularly the 3-5 day variety, fall into the "Basic Wedding" category? they are at LEAST in the "Formal Wedding" category. There's nothing basic about any Indian wedding.

i was in a very similar situation as you, started drinking in 2012. the only hard drink i could stand was a rum and diet coke, or an amaretto sour. both are not bitter or too alcohol-y, you taste the mixer (the coke or the sour mix/lemon/lime thing) more so than teh alcohol.

I used eHarmony and while it took diligent effort (reviewing matches, answering questions, writing emails), it worked well for me! met my husband about 8 months into it, we got engaged a little over a year later, and married 1.5 years later ( just a few months ago). I liked eHarmony because it wasn't just users

hmmm, okay, i see your point. those moments where he does that are striking and different than the earlier seasons.

true, Sheldon's experienced some changes in his life. But in that episode where he realized (was called attention to) all those changes, his reaction was not to grow and accept but to flip out, (try to) dump Amy, and most lately, basically run away.

i LOVE Victoria!!

UGH why does Jim Parsons keep getting awards for Sheldon?? he's just playing a robotic asshole. and given how the same mannerisms and way of speaking carries over to any other role Jim plays, he's not even acting much. I don't mean Jim may be an asshole - I mean he's not ADDING anything to the character with

Melissa McCarthy!! Mike and Molly is actually really fun and well-written, and has a strong ensemble cast all around. there is not one character/actor in that ensemble that is not consistently hilarious!

I haven't watched the show — do the experts really do the matching or do they just read some generic notes? if it's as flimsy as you say, then it IS basically the same as arranged marriages. many arranged marriages are not arranged in consideration of personality/temperament ("oh my daughter would love spending time

I agree! I don't get the snark in this article at all. There are a few AMC dine-in service theaters in my state (NJ) and they are fantastic! really a great experience. AND you buy a specific seat so there's no worry about trying to rush to get a good seat once you've bought your ticket.

this is what my husband and I have been doing. We've only been married a few months so we're still working that necessary amount for our joint checking account.

the craziest part of this is that he's a twin too and he's not sharing!! okay, perhaps it's all crazy.

ugh and he thinks his co-anchor is overreacting, you can see his shock at her "frowning" at him at the end. c'mon guy... this was just painful. I feel so bad for Anna. and every other woman this kind of shit happens to on the regular.

lol my mistake. i think i read that too early in the morning!

ugh, how was he a finalist on top chef??

that is really cute! thanks for letting me know.

lol i hope you meant to write Boston terrier? though i'm not a dog person so i dunno, maybe that's a new name of a mutt breed i've never heard of...

are these really worthy of being called life-hacks, at all? i love this site for the interesting things it can teach you but this... these are just things people should know. come on.

we both like to sleep on our sides, him on his right and me on my left, so we chose the side of the bed that enables us to do that while facing each other.