maybe she agreed to be in it as a humble nod to her sister, who would have been the fatter, more made fun of sister to the famous more beautiful actress sister..?
maybe she agreed to be in it as a humble nod to her sister, who would have been the fatter, more made fun of sister to the famous more beautiful actress sister..?
who approved these adoptions?? so many children, so frequently adopted. Two children (Tam and Isaiah) were adopted ONE MONTH after the Woody/Soon-Yi scandal broke?! wouldn't someone approving the adoption think "maybe this isn't the best time to place not one but two vulnerable children with special care needs into…
I agree! who approved these adoptions?? so many children, s o frequently adopted. Two children (Tam and Isaiah) were adopted ONE MONTH after the Woody/Soon-Yi scandal broke?! wouldn't someone approving the adoption think "maybe this isn't the best time to place not one but two vulnerable children with special care…
its totally normal to expect the bridesmaids to pitch in for the shower(s) and bachelorette party. you should email all of them, not just the single ones, with the expected cost for the shower and bachelorette, with as much breakdown of the cost as possible at this point in time, and state (don't ask) to split it…
You are definitely not the only one! its so disgusting.
ugh I hate the subway smell! I didn't know people love it - I assumed it was just tolerated.
Fat children shouldn't be made to feel their happiness and their chances for a good life are contingent on losing weight. ... Girls are told their whole lives in a thousand ways that it all depends on becoming an "after."
that's good! my parents and most of their friends? not so much. sigh, i'm envious, then.
I read an article recently that said children around 6 yrs old recognized like-groups and non-like groups, and had more positive feelings for those who are like them (and neutral feelings to non like). by age 8 this awareness of like and non-like had potentially grown to include negative feelings to non-like groups.…
indian/pakistani american here. when i started seeing a non-desi (south asian) guy, i told him pretty clearly that it would be an uphill battle with my family. i was clear and upfront that if we are going somewhere with this, it wouldn't be easy and i'd need him with me 100%.
I don't have kids so I don't know if this is what i would truly do (i'd probably freeze like you did lol). but maybe you can make it not about skin color specifically, but about appearances in general. make it a lesson that people come in all shapes sizes and colors, and we are all different but the same, and that…
I agree, of course each generation's values shift a little or a lot. the questions i posed were from the older generation's perspective.and yes, there are more older asians in senior care or nursing homes.. but from what i've seen and from articles like that, there is still some concern and pushback from the older…
lol you are right, the content/ranking of the hierarchy varies by the sub-culture or caste or religion.
in my South Asian American experience, it varies more based on whether the family is more traditional or modern. But gender absolutely plays a part - boys get more leeway in dating but the pressure to stay within one's culture comes back into the question for marriage; whereas girls aren't really given ANY leeway in…
agreed on the blitheness; i figured the writer is a teen (she writes "as I near marriage age" implying she's not quite there yet). but yes, i wish there had been some discussion that these rules are different for boys and girls (at least they are in my South Asian American experience).
The article did seem to distinguish between independent workers and trafficking..
I think most people assume plus size people don't exercise. (Because there is still a prevailing assumption that if they would just exercise and stop eating so much, they wouldn't be plus sized anymore!) So it's not too far to figure that people think plus size models "have it easy" and don't have to exercise or "take…
is this a recommendation..? I'm looking for some shapewear for my wedding and wondering if I should go with a corset for more structure or just use the lighter-control spanx-stuff i have already.